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Well, this is not about drilling in the past but continuing the legacy in the present. You always have a great chance and begin a genealogy journey with numerous information and tools. Using the pieces of evidence of marriage certificates, birth certificates, property deeds and court documents.
All our journey begins not with ink on paper, but with a common passion for genealogy, fueled by a desire to uncover the stories of Northcarolina forefathers. The creators, from various backgrounds, unify a shared interest, envisioned a platform that goes beyond the mundane—a space where family stories are honored and relationships are made throughout time.
How the Changing of Times and Habits Affects us
Comment from Elaine Baldasare: “I had to reply to say this was a GREAT newsletter. My, you hit everything square on the head…
The Tragic Life of Sister in the Woods Comment from Phyllis Pallister: “I love this story, even if it’s not about one of my ancestors. I know it’s tragic for Sister and Tom. What a devoted husband he was; sad that he could not move on after her death. This would make a great movie!”
Hello! I love your site and am so grateful. I resubscribed and received a new password in early April. I'll definitely get reacquainted with the magazine.
Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and a massive library. Vicki Mitchell
It's so wonderful of you to work so hard and give so very much.