Index of the Folder Collection
- Alexander, Adam of Mecklenburg County
- Alexander, Nathaniel, Governor of Mecklenburg County
- Aycock, Charles Brantley of Wayne County
- Bacon
- Baird. Descendants of John of Caswell and Rowan Counties
- Barringer, Daniel M. of Raleigh
- Barringer, Paul B. of Concord
- Barringer, Rufus of Mecklenburg County
- Battle, Herbert of Chapel Hill
- Battle, Kemp Davis of Rocky Mount
- Boswell
- Bullitt
- Caldwell, Green, Major of Mecklenburg County
- Calhoun/Cahoon of Edgecombe and Craven Counties
- Campbell of Orange County
- Cannon, Joseph Gurnery of New Garen
- Cantrell genealogies traced from PA, VA, NC and TN
- Carson of McDowell County
- Cartwright, John (Edgecombe Co. Estate)
- Cates of Orange County
- Cathey Pedigree Charts
- Catlett, Research File, 17 pp.
- Causey, Leavin, Family Group Sheet
- Causey, Leven (Edgecombe Co. Estate)
- Causey, Philip Sr. (Edgecombe Co. Estate)
- Causey, William (Edgecombe Co. Estate)
- Cavenah, Charles (Edgecombe Co. Estate)
- Clark of Jackson Springs. Family Group Sheet
- Cockerham, Jacob of Montgomery County
- Cockerham/Cochran of Anson County, 2 pp.
- Coney of Edgecombe Co., NC, VA and GA, 5 pp.
- Corpening of Burke County Pedigree Chart
- Davidson, William of Mecklenburg County
- Dixon of Edgecombe County, 4 pp.
- Dixon of Pitt and Beaufort Counties
- Duke, Benjamin Newton of Durham
- Elliott, Alexander, Colonel (1797-1870)
- Erwin, descendant of Nathaniel, Pedigree Chart
- Forney of Burke County, Pedigree Chart
- Gordon, Conway Harrison
- Gordon, William St. Clair of Raleigh
- Holland, Thomas Reed
- Hunter, Humphrey of Mecklenburg County
- Jones, Tignal
- Kerr, Jennings of Mecklenburg County
- Lewis, John
- Macdonald of Scotland, Fayetteville County, NC, and Elbert County, Georgia
- Mainer, William
- Moravian Church
- Peacock of Wayne County
- Perkins Newsletter
- Robinson, Jesse
- Savage, Thomas of Jamestown, Virginia
- Sims of Union County, Pedigree Chart
- Snead, Samuel of Mecklenburg County
- Tate, Samuel
- Wallace, Matthew and George of Mecklenburg County
- Whitley of Stanley County, Pedigree Chart
- Wilfong, Descendant of George, Pedigree Chart
Generally, the University of Georgia has a wide collection of newspapers on microfilm.The following is a listing of newspapers extracted for vital information. Obituaries from the following extracted newspapers: