
The Highland Games on Grandfather Mountain

Every year the Scottish Highland Games are reenacted on Grandfather Mountain near Linville . The display is symbolic of the Celtic tribes of the pre-Christian era and occurs in McRae Meadows. Many highlanders came to North Carolina during the early 1700s. The first known settlement was ca 1732 on the edge of the Great Dismal Swamp. As in the instance of so many immigrants in those days, the Scotch-Irish were poor people who sold everything they had to pay for passage to America.

Names of Families in Avery County Genealogy

Avery County was founded in 1911 as a county and is located in the Alleghany Mountains of North Carolina. The county seat was first established in Elk Park but was later moved to Newland upon the completion of the courthouse in 1912. The county was formed from parts of Caldwell, Mitchell, and Watauga Counties and was named after Waightstill Avery, a Colonel in the American Revolutionary War and the first Attorney General of North Carolina from 1777 to 1779.

Genealogy Records available to Members

  • A List of Wills 1911 to 1968

The Loyal Patriots of North Carolina

Did you know that North Carolina was one of the first colonies to instruct its delegates to vote for independence? Many of its colonists resented the levy of taxes by the British without representation in Parliament. The early steps taken was for the legislature to issue the Halifax Resolves which authorized the delegates to the Second Continental Congress to vote for independence. The loyal citizens managed to suppress the Loyalist elements in the colony until late in the war.

Boone, North Carolina