
Names of Families in Bladen County Genealogy, Wills, Estates, Probate Records

Bladen County was taken from New Hanover County in 1734 and named for Martin Bladen, Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantation. The county seat is Elizabethtown, formed in 1773 but not incorporated until 1895.

Images of wills 1766-1833 continued

Norman, Jeremiah | Nortin, Shadrach | Owen, John | Owen, Thomas | Parker, William | Patterson, Paul | Phares, Samuel | Pitman, Jacob | Plummer, James | Pope, Anney | Porter, John | Porter, John (2) | Powell, John | Powell, Zilpha | Purdis, James

Ray, Dugald | Reese, Thomas | Regan, Joseph | Register, William | Rials, Elizabeth | Richardson, Nathaniel | Richardson, Samuel | Richardson, Samuel Neal | Robeson, Thomas, Colonel | Robeson, Thomas | Robison, James | Robison, Samuel | Rowland, James | Russ, John | Russ, John (2) | Russ, Joseph | Russ, Mary

Salkeld, Isaac | Salter, Richard Sr. | Salter, Sarah | Salter, William | Salter, William (2)| Shaw, Archibald | Shaw, Catherine | Shaw, Daniel | Shaw, John | Shaw, Penelope | Sherridan, Thomas | Shipman, Daniel | Shipman, Hayes | Sikes, David | Simmons, Saunders | Simpson, John | Singletary, Benjamin | Singletary, David | Singletary, Edward | Singletary, John | Singletary, Joshua | Singletary, Josiah | Singletary, Richard | Smith, Benjamin | Smith, David | Smith, James | Smith, John | Smith, Margaret | Smith, Samuel | Smith, Thomas | Smith, William | Stephens, John | Stone, Benjamin | Storm, Mary | Stubbs, George | Sutton, William | Tatom, Theophilus | Taylor, Daniel | Taylor, John | Thaggard, Isaac | Thomas, George | Thomas, Michael | Thomas, Sarah | Thompson, Lewis | Troy, Robert

Vernon, Ann | Waddell, Mary | Weathersbee, Cade | Westbrooks, James | White, John | White, Matthew | White, William | Wilkerson, William | Williamson, Lewis | Willis, Betty | Willis, David | Willis, John | Willis, Robert | Wingate, John | Wootin, John | Yedder, George | Young, Matthew | Young, Nathan | Young, William

Images of Wills 1731 to 1771

Adams, Roger | Ashe, John Baptista | Bartram, Elizabeth | Benbow, Gershon | Blaning, Hugh | Caldwell, Robert | Carver, James | Carver, James (2) | Carver, Samuel | Clark, James Sr. | Davis, David | Davis, Thomas | Doway, Robert
Eagan, James | Edwards, Catherine | Green, John | Hall, William | Hamilton, John | Humphrey, Joseph | Jones, Edward | Jordan, Deborah
Lock, Benjamin | Lock, Thomas | MacNaughton, Ronald | Maultsby, John | McKeithan, Dugald | Moorhead, James | Porter, Samuel | Rayford, Matthew | Thomas, Francis | Thomas, Thomas

Settlers to Bladen

During 1739 a group of 350 people from Argyllshire settled in North Carolina and those numbers appears to be reflected in the land grant statistics of 1740 as “33.” That number was the largest settlement because thereafter, between 1741 to 1751, between two and five grants were allowed. In Scotland, quit rents were not collected for two years after the issuance thereof and the average Highland tenant was able to pay transportation costs to America after selling livestock and tools. The genealogist should put on the hat of the historian and research into the politics of Argyll during this period.

Bladen County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Wills 1766 to 1833

Adair, James | Adair, James (2) | Allen, Joseph | Andres, Samuel | Andres, William | Andrews, James | Andrews, John | Atkinson, Willis
Bailey, Thomas | Baldwin, John | Baldwin, William | Barfield, Richard | Beard, John | Beard, Will | Beasley, Robert | Beatty, John | Benson, Daniel | Blackenell, Elizabeth | Blue, Catherine | Bradley, James | Bridges, Matthew | Bright, Robert | Bright, Simon | Brown, George | Brown, John | Bryan, Caroline | Bryan, George | Bryant, William | Burney, William | Byron, Alexander | Byron, John | Bryne, Matthew
Cain, James | Cain, Joseph | Cain, Samuel | Campbell, Archibald | Campbell, James | Campbell, Margaret | Cawel, Samuel | Chance, Daniel | Chause, Joseph | Cheshire, Richard | Child, James | Clady, James | Clark, Benjamin | Clark, David | Clarke, Daniel | Cohoon, John | Coleman, Moses | Collins, Richard | Cooper, Benjamin | Cooper, Joseph | Cowan, William | Crawford, Margaret | Cromartie, A. | Cromartie, Calvin | Cromartie, James | Cromartie, John | Cromartie, William | Culbraith, Archibald
Daniel, Overton | Davey, Euphoria | Davis, Edmond | Davis, Edward | Davis, Henry | Davis, Isabella | Davis, Turner | Davis, William | Deacon, Mary | Devane, John | Dickson, Calvin | Dorsey, James | Dove, Esther | Downing, George | Dunham, William | Dupree, Auralia
Ellis, Evan | Ellis, John | Evans, James | Fitzrandolph, Benjamin | Flinn, David | Fort, John | Franklin, Edwin
Gardner, Ann | Gates, Jean | Gates, Peter | Gibbs, George | Gibbs, John | Gillespie, James | Glass, Levy | Gray, Abraham | Green, Mary
Hall, Jonathan | Harrison, John | Harvey, Priscilla | Harvey, Robert | Harvey, William | Haynes, Joshua | Hays, Elizabeth | Hendon, William | Henry, William | Herring, Mary | Herrington, Elizabeth | Hester, Thomas | Hill, Isaac | Hodge, Robert | Hollingsworth, Stephen | Holmes, Edward | Holmes, Moses

Ikuer, George | Jennigan, Whitmal | Jessip, John | Johnson, Joel | Johnson, William | Johnston, Lelah | Jones, Griffith | Jones, Isaac | Jones, Levi | Jones, Musgrove | Jordan, River | Joseph, Isaac

Kea, John | Kelley, James | Kelley, Thomas | Kelly, Archibald | Kelly, Mary | Kelly, Neil | Key, Duncan McCones | Key, Matthew | King, Alexander | King, Duncan

Lamb, Mary | Laurent, Duncan | Lewis, Richard | Lloyd, Anna | Lloyd, Nancy | Lock, Elizabeth | Lock, John | Lock, Joseph | Lock, Mary | Lock, Leonard | Lorris, Francis | Lorris, Richard | Love, Thomas | Lucas, Francis | Lucas, Henry | Lucas, Thomas | Lyon, Eleanor

Maultsby, Anthony | Maxfield, Mary | McCall, Duncan | McConkey, Robert | McDonell, Alexander | McDougal, Allen | McDugald, Margaret | McEwen, John | McKay, Ann | McKay, Iver | McKay, James | McKay, Ralph | McKee, Ann | McKuhan, Duncan | McKuhan, D. F. | McLeod, Lauchlin | McLearn, John | McLelland, Andrew | McMaster, Felix | McMillan, Dugard | McMillan, Duncan | McMillan, Edward | McMillan, Jeannette | McMillan, John | McMillan, Joseph | McNaughton, John | McNeill, John | McNeill, Mary | McNeill, Hector | McRee, James | McRee, Robert | McRee, William | Meek, George | Melvin, Daniel | Melvin, George | Melvin, John | Melvin, Joshua | Melvin, Robert | Meredith, James | Miller, Frederick | Monroe, Duncan } Monroe, Nancy | Moore, Berenger | Moore, James | Moore, Maurice | Moore, William | Moore, William | Moorhead, James | Moorhead, Mary | Morrison, John | Mosick, Jacob | Mossinger, Joseph | Mulford, Elizabeth | Mulford, Ephraim | Mullington, Richard | Murphy, Hugh | Murrell, Zachariah | Mustlewhite, Thomas

Images of Wills 1864 to 1895

Allen, Ephraim W. | Allen, Henry | Allen, John | Anders, Eliza B. | Ashford, Hart | Avery, Mary | Ballentine, George W. | Barnhill, A. J. | Barnhill, Catharine Ann | Beard, Catharine L. | Beard, Elizabeth | Beasley, Robert | Boon, Samuel | Boswell, L. F. | Bradley, Ann | Bradley, James | Bradley, Margaret | Brown, Bettie | Brown, John | Brown, Lucy Ann | Brown, Thomas | Bryan, Nathan | Buie, Neil | Burney, John W. | Bush, William J. C. | Butler, John

Cain, James Sr. | Cain, Joseph | Cain, Samuel | Campbell, Christian | Carter, Sarah House | Cashwell, John Sr. | Chancy, Neill | Clark, John Washington | Collum, Sion | Colvin, Charles | Corbett, James R. | Council, Arthur | Council, Kinchin K. | Council, Lyman | Council, Mary | Cowan, John | Cromartie, George | Cromartie, Rhemy | Cumming, F. F. | Cummings, Francis E.

Davis, James | Davis, Micajah Sr. | Davis, William Sr. | Dowey, James | Dunham, James S. | Dunham, William R. | Edge, Allen | Edge, Eliza M. | Edwards, Allen | Edwards, Charles | Ellis, James | Edwards, Stephen

Fisher, Raiford | Fitzrandolph, Benjamin | Francis, Herbert R. | Garvan, Richard | Gillespie, David | Gillespie, R. L. | Grimes, James | Hendon, Josiah | Hester, Daniel | Hufham, Solomon | Ivey, Charles | Ivey, John

Jacobs, Shadrack | Johnson, Daniel | Johnson, Richard | Johnson, Solomon | Jones, Calvin | Jones, Charity | Jordan, Benjamin | Kelly, Archibald | Kelly, James E. | Kemp, A. S. | Kemp, Joseph R. | Kemp, Joseph R. (2) | Kemp, William J. | King, Alexander | King, William | Lammond, Angus | Lamon, Alexander | Lennon, John M. | Lewis, Joseph Sr. | Lock, David | Londonderry | Lucas, J. J. D. | Lynn, Robert H.

Manley, Lydia | Marshburn, Daniel | Maultby, Samuel | Maultsby, Thomas | McBryde, Matthew | McCall, Harriet | McCall, John | McDaniel, John | McDuffie, Daniel Sr. | McDugald, Ann | McInnis, Duncan | McInnis, Malcom | McKay, Ann Eliza | McKay, John | McKeithan, William James | McLelland, Samuel | McLeod, Malcom | McMillan, John | McNorton, John | Mears, Elihu | Meares, George | Melvin, Demaris and Rosana J. | Melvin, James | Melvin, Jonathan | Memory, George | Miller, Augusta S. | Monroe, Archibald | Monroe, Colin | Monroe, John | Monroe, Sarah J. | Morgan, William | Mulford, Sarah | Murchison, Ida F.

Page, Abram | Pemberton, Elizabeth | Perry, John | Pridgen, William H. | Purdie, Ann M. | Purdie, James T. | Purdie, John W. | Reeves, Evan | Register, Daniel | Rialls, Stephen | Richardson, Ransom | Robeson, Alexander | Robeson, Bartram | Robeson, Eliza R. | Robeson, Margaret | Robeson, William | Robinson, John A. | Russ, John D.

Sanders, Christopher | Sawrey, Henry Sr. | Scriven, John | Seymore, Sarah | Shaw, Daniel | Shaw, Daniel (2) | Shipman, David | Sikes, Alexander J. | Sikes, John | Sikes, Jonathan | Sikes, Josiah | Singletary, Breyton | Singletary, Brister | Singletary, Ichamar | Singletary, James | Singletary, Mary | Singletary, Richard | Singletary, Thomas | Singletary, William | Smith, Daniel | Smith, John | Smith, Jonathan | Smith, Mary | Smith, Richard | Smith, Robinson W. | Smith, Stephen | Smith, Thomas C. | Stewart, Hugh | Stewart, Patrick | Stewart, William | Storm, Wandal | Suggs, William | Sutton, John | Sutton, Margaret | Sutton, Sarah | Sutton, William | Tarbe, Peter | Tatom, M. W. | Taylor, John | Thomas, John | Thomas, Joseph | Thompson, B. A. | Treadwell, Rachel Ann | Turner, Sarah

Waddell, Hugh | Watson, William | West, William | White, Henrietta | White, John | White, Joseph | White, Thomas | Whitted, Archibald | Wiggins, Jesse B. | Willis, Daniel | Wilson, Absalom | Wilson, Josiah Wingate, Ann | Woody, John D. | Wright, Isaac | Wright, Marchus