Names of Families in Bladen County Genealogy, Wills, Estates, Probate Records

Images of wills 1766-1833 continued
Norman, Jeremiah | Nortin, Shadrach | Owen, John | Owen, Thomas | Parker, William | Patterson, Paul | Phares, Samuel | Pitman, Jacob | Plummer, James | Pope, Anney | Porter, John | Porter, John (2) | Powell, John | Powell, Zilpha | Purdis, James
Ray, Dugald | Reese, Thomas | Regan, Joseph | Register, William | Rials, Elizabeth | Richardson, Nathaniel | Richardson, Samuel | Richardson, Samuel Neal | Robeson, Thomas, Colonel | Robeson, Thomas | Robison, James | Robison, Samuel | Rowland, James | Russ, John | Russ, John (2) | Russ, Joseph | Russ, Mary
Salkeld, Isaac | Salter, Richard Sr. | Salter, Sarah | Salter, William | Salter, William (2)| Shaw, Archibald | Shaw, Catherine | Shaw, Daniel | Shaw, John | Shaw, Penelope | Sherridan, Thomas | Shipman, Daniel | Shipman, Hayes | Sikes, David | Simmons, Saunders | Simpson, John | Singletary, Benjamin | Singletary, David | Singletary, Edward | Singletary, John | Singletary, Joshua | Singletary, Josiah | Singletary, Richard | Smith, Benjamin | Smith, David | Smith, James | Smith, John | Smith, Margaret | Smith, Samuel | Smith, Thomas | Smith, William | Stephens, John | Stone, Benjamin | Storm, Mary | Stubbs, George | Sutton, William | Tatom, Theophilus | Taylor, Daniel | Taylor, John | Thaggard, Isaac | Thomas, George | Thomas, Michael | Thomas, Sarah | Thompson, Lewis | Troy, Robert
Vernon, Ann | Waddell, Mary | Weathersbee, Cade | Westbrooks, James | White, John | White, Matthew | White, William | Wilkerson, William | Williamson, Lewis | Willis, Betty | Willis, David | Willis, John | Willis, Robert | Wingate, John | Wootin, John | Yedder, George | Young, Matthew | Young, Nathan | Young, William
Images of Wills 1731 to 1771
Settlers to Bladen

Bladen County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers
Images of Wills 1766 to 1833
Ikuer, George | Jennigan, Whitmal | Jessip, John | Johnson, Joel | Johnson, William | Johnston, Lelah | Jones, Griffith | Jones, Isaac | Jones, Levi | Jones, Musgrove | Jordan, River | Joseph, Isaac
Kea, John | Kelley, James | Kelley, Thomas | Kelly, Archibald | Kelly, Mary | Kelly, Neil | Key, Duncan McCones | Key, Matthew | King, Alexander | King, Duncan
Lamb, Mary | Laurent, Duncan | Lewis, Richard | Lloyd, Anna | Lloyd, Nancy | Lock, Elizabeth | Lock, John | Lock, Joseph | Lock, Mary | Lock, Leonard | Lorris, Francis | Lorris, Richard | Love, Thomas | Lucas, Francis | Lucas, Henry | Lucas, Thomas | Lyon, Eleanor
Maultsby, Anthony | Maxfield, Mary | McCall, Duncan | McConkey, Robert | McDonell, Alexander | McDougal, Allen | McDugald, Margaret | McEwen, John | McKay, Ann | McKay, Iver | McKay, James | McKay, Ralph | McKee, Ann | McKuhan, Duncan | McKuhan, D. F. | McLeod, Lauchlin | McLearn, John | McLelland, Andrew | McMaster, Felix | McMillan, Dugard | McMillan, Duncan | McMillan, Edward | McMillan, Jeannette | McMillan, John | McMillan, Joseph | McNaughton, John | McNeill, John | McNeill, Mary | McNeill, Hector | McRee, James | McRee, Robert | McRee, William | Meek, George | Melvin, Daniel | Melvin, George | Melvin, John | Melvin, Joshua | Melvin, Robert | Meredith, James | Miller, Frederick | Monroe, Duncan } Monroe, Nancy | Moore, Berenger | Moore, James | Moore, Maurice | Moore, William | Moore, William | Moorhead, James | Moorhead, Mary | Morrison, John | Mosick, Jacob | Mossinger, Joseph | Mulford, Elizabeth | Mulford, Ephraim | Mullington, Richard | Murphy, Hugh | Murrell, Zachariah | Mustlewhite, Thomas
Images of Wills 1864 to 1895
Allen, Ephraim W. | Allen, Henry | Allen, John | Anders, Eliza B. | Ashford, Hart | Avery, Mary | Ballentine, George W. | Barnhill, A. J. | Barnhill, Catharine Ann | Beard, Catharine L. | Beard, Elizabeth | Beasley, Robert | Boon, Samuel | Boswell, L. F. | Bradley, Ann | Bradley, James | Bradley, Margaret | Brown, Bettie | Brown, John | Brown, Lucy Ann | Brown, Thomas | Bryan, Nathan | Buie, Neil | Burney, John W. | Bush, William J. C. | Butler, John
Cain, James Sr. | Cain, Joseph | Cain, Samuel | Campbell, Christian | Carter, Sarah House | Cashwell, John Sr. | Chancy, Neill | Clark, John Washington | Collum, Sion | Colvin, Charles | Corbett, James R. | Council, Arthur | Council, Kinchin K. | Council, Lyman | Council, Mary | Cowan, John | Cromartie, George | Cromartie, Rhemy | Cumming, F. F. | Cummings, Francis E.
Davis, James | Davis, Micajah Sr. | Davis, William Sr. | Dowey, James | Dunham, James S. | Dunham, William R. | Edge, Allen | Edge, Eliza M. | Edwards, Allen | Edwards, Charles | Ellis, James | Edwards, Stephen
Fisher, Raiford | Fitzrandolph, Benjamin | Francis, Herbert R. | Garvan, Richard | Gillespie, David | Gillespie, R. L. | Grimes, James | Hendon, Josiah | Hester, Daniel | Hufham, Solomon | Ivey, Charles | Ivey, John
Jacobs, Shadrack | Johnson, Daniel | Johnson, Richard | Johnson, Solomon | Jones, Calvin | Jones, Charity | Jordan, Benjamin | Kelly, Archibald | Kelly, James E. | Kemp, A. S. | Kemp, Joseph R. | Kemp, Joseph R. (2) | Kemp, William J. | King, Alexander | King, William | Lammond, Angus | Lamon, Alexander | Lennon, John M. | Lewis, Joseph Sr. | Lock, David | Londonderry | Lucas, J. J. D. | Lynn, Robert H.
Manley, Lydia | Marshburn, Daniel | Maultby, Samuel | Maultsby, Thomas | McBryde, Matthew | McCall, Harriet | McCall, John | McDaniel, John | McDuffie, Daniel Sr. | McDugald, Ann | McInnis, Duncan | McInnis, Malcom | McKay, Ann Eliza | McKay, John | McKeithan, William James | McLelland, Samuel | McLeod, Malcom | McMillan, John | McNorton, John | Mears, Elihu | Meares, George | Melvin, Demaris and Rosana J. | Melvin, James | Melvin, Jonathan | Memory, George | Miller, Augusta S. | Monroe, Archibald | Monroe, Colin | Monroe, John | Monroe, Sarah J. | Morgan, William | Mulford, Sarah | Murchison, Ida F.
Page, Abram | Pemberton, Elizabeth | Perry, John | Pridgen, William H. | Purdie, Ann M. | Purdie, James T. | Purdie, John W. | Reeves, Evan | Register, Daniel | Rialls, Stephen | Richardson, Ransom | Robeson, Alexander | Robeson, Bartram | Robeson, Eliza R. | Robeson, Margaret | Robeson, William | Robinson, John A. | Russ, John D.
Sanders, Christopher | Sawrey, Henry Sr. | Scriven, John | Seymore, Sarah | Shaw, Daniel | Shaw, Daniel (2) | Shipman, David | Sikes, Alexander J. | Sikes, John | Sikes, Jonathan | Sikes, Josiah | Singletary, Breyton | Singletary, Brister | Singletary, Ichamar | Singletary, James | Singletary, Mary | Singletary, Richard | Singletary, Thomas | Singletary, William | Smith, Daniel | Smith, John | Smith, Jonathan | Smith, Mary | Smith, Richard | Smith, Robinson W. | Smith, Stephen | Smith, Thomas C. | Stewart, Hugh | Stewart, Patrick | Stewart, William | Storm, Wandal | Suggs, William | Sutton, John | Sutton, Margaret | Sutton, Sarah | Sutton, William | Tarbe, Peter | Tatom, M. W. | Taylor, John | Thomas, John | Thomas, Joseph | Thompson, B. A. | Treadwell, Rachel Ann | Turner, Sarah
Waddell, Hugh | Watson, William | West, William | White, Henrietta | White, John | White, Joseph | White, Thomas | Whitted, Archibald | Wiggins, Jesse B. | Willis, Daniel | Wilson, Absalom | Wilson, Josiah Wingate, Ann | Woody, John D. | Wright, Isaac | Wright, Marchus