Names of Families in Buncombe County Wills and Estates

Genealogy Records available to members of Images of Buncombe County Will Book C, 1887 to 1897
Names of Testators: Adams, Daniel D. | Adams, Julia W. | Alexander, George Newton | Arnold, Henry | Ashworth, Johnson | Austin, J. H. | Baird, Rebecca | Ballard, Caroline | Barker, Clarence Johnson | Blount, John Gray | Braunch, William George | Broesback, Anna | Brown, Daniel | Brown, Mary T. | Budd, Margaret Anderson | Call, John D. | Cameron, Paul | Carpenter, John | Carpenter, John (1911) | Carroll, John L. | Carter, Melvin Edmondson | Cathcart, William | Cathcart, William (1805) | Cathey, J. L. | Cawble, Jacob | Chambers, John C. | Chapman, S. F. | Chapman, Verina | Christiansen, George | Cole, Ann B. | Clark, Adger | Clemmons, E. T. | Cortland, Mary Katharine | Croft, Sarah Ann | Cummins, Anson W. | Cushman, Walter S. | D’ Allinges, Baron Eugene | Davidson, Thomas F. | Dobbins, Mary | Ducket, Margaret | Frady, J. A. | Frady, John | Fulton, Mary | Garren, David | Gask, B. S. | Goodrum, Maria | Haggard, Elliott | Hendry, Theodore | Henry, Robert | Hill, Wylie | Hines, W. F. | Israel, Levina | Johnson, Julius | Johnston, Andrew H. | Johnston, William | Jones, R. L. F. | Lagle, W. S. | Lindsey, Andrew J. | Mason, Lavinia | McHemphill, William | McMerrill, John | McNeal, Florella | McRee, C. E. | Melke, Arthur | Meyers, Sarah Ellick | Meyers, Sarah Thayer | Miller, George | Miller, Joseph M. | Moore, Harry V. | Murdock, David | Murray, J. L. | Neilson, M. A. | Peller, Joseph | Penland, William M. | Pinketon, James | Pinner, Leander | Powell, Martha J. | Price, Linus | Randall, James M. | Randall, Matthew | Reed, John Sr. | Reeves, John | Reynolds, Alice | Roberts, J. R. | Schultz, Andrew | Spivey, B. F. | Starnes, Jacob | Summer, Richard | Swain, Eleanor H. | Tagg, Marcellus J. | Tennent, Charles | Tennent, Marianne | Tompkins, Frederick W. | Washington, Julia | Weaver, M. M. | Webb, S. W. | Weber, August | West, George W. | Whitaker, L. W. | White, Edward S. | Wilson, Alfred
Images of Will Book A, 1831 to 1868
Names of Testators: Alexander, James | Alexander, James C. | Alexander, Lorenzo D. | Anderson, William | Arrington, James | Ashby, John | Ayres, C. | Baird, B. | Baird, Hannah | Ball, Joel | Bell, Thomas | Boyd, James | Brevard, John | Burlison, Edward | Call, John | Candler, Zachariah | Carter, Jesse | Carver, Joseph | Chambers, John | Cochran, Harriett | Cochran, William | Cole, Jesse | Cole, Joseph | Collins, Riddick | Cooke, Joseph | Curtis, Benjamin | Curtis, Delilah | Dale, Richard | Davidson, Samuel | Davidson, Sophronia | Davis, John | Davis, Margarett | Davis, William | Dillingham, Absalom | Dilliingham, Rebecca | Dougherty, John | Doweese, Garrett | Edmons, Elizabeth | Edwards, David | Edwards, Isham | Eller, Mary | Flagg, William | Fortner, John | Foster, Mary | Foster, Thomas | Foster, Thomas | Garmon, William | Gaston, Thomas | Gentry, John | Gilbert, Daniel | Gill, Rebecca | Gillispie, Francis | Goodlake, Thomas | Gousley, Hugh | Grantham, Joseph | Green, Jeremiah | Gudger, William | Harper, Lot | Harris, Able | Hawkins, Rachel | Henry, Dorcas | Holcombe, Obediah | Hutsell, Elizabeth | Ingle, Elizabeth | Ingram, Thomas | James, Thomas | Jarrett. Fanny | Johnston, A. H. | Jones, Ebed | Jones, George W. | Jones, Thomas | Jones, Wiley | Jones, William | Killian, William | King, Jonathan | Lackey, John | Lane, Sarah Ann | Livingston, John | Low, Stephen | Lowrey, James | Lusk, John | Marson, William | Martin, Jacob | McBrayer, James | McDonnell, William | McDowel, Athan | McFee, John | Means, John | Merrell, Benjamin | Merrell, Jesse | Merrell, John | Morgan, James | Morrison, John | Murdock, William | Nelson, William | Owens, John | Palmer, Jesse | Palmer, J. T. | Patton, Ann | Patton, James A. | Patton, James | Patton, James W. | Patton, John | Peavy, Bartlett | Peek, Jesse | Penland, John | Pinner, Burrell | Pitman, Thomas | Plemans, Peter | Poor, Isaac | Porter, Edmund | Porter, William | Potter, James | Powers, Brady | Prestwood, Johnathan | Reaves, Malachi | Reed, Eldred | Reed, Jane | Reed, Peter | Reynolds, Joseph | Roberts, John | Robeson, Andrew | Robeson, Jonah | Robeson, William | Robird, Robert | Rogers, Andrew | Saddler, John Roberd | Saunders, Benjamin | Sharp, Thomas | Smith, James M. | Smith, James M. (1864) | Spier, Alexander | Stepp, Silas | Stockton, Richard | Summers, Richard | Thrash, Valentine | Turner, James | Vance, Priscilla | Warren, Robert | Weaver, J. T. | Wells, Leander | Wells, Thomas | West, Henry | West, John | Whitaker, John | Whitaker, William | White, Ann | Whitesides, John B. | Whitmire, Christopher | Williamson, Elijah | Williamson, Elizabeth | Williamson, Richard | Willis, John | Wilson, John | Woodfin, J. W. | Wyatt, Shadrack | Young, John | Young, Rosannah | Young, Sarah
Indexes to Probate Records
- Wills 1831 to 1868; Wills 1868 to 1899; Wills 1887 to 1897
Grants of Asheville Town Lots
Images of Will Book B, 1869 to 1899
Names of Testators: Alexander, George C. | Allen, Autonia | Baird, Eliza T. | Baird, Mary A. | Banks, H. H. | Banks, S. M. | Bell, Thomas | Brand, Hann | Brank, Joseph R. | Brittain, George W. | Brittain, William | Brookshire, Lula | Brown, Nathan | Brown, Nathaniel | Brown, William H. | Buchanan, W. A. | Burnett, Elrige | Burnett, James M. | Burnham, Hiram | Buttam, William | Calloway, Sarah Ann | Carter, Daniel W. | Chambers, William | Chambers, William Sr. | Chunn, Joseph | Clark, Jesse | Cochran, Harriet | Cole, Joel | Coleman, William | Conley, John | Crane, Mary Ann | Cunningham, E. H. | Cunningham, John W. | Curtis, B. J. | Daugherty, Lemuel | Davis, Asbery | DeBrull, Susanna | Duffield, Charles | Dula, Thomas | Edney, James M. | Edwards, Helen Maria | Eller, Adam | Eller, William | Embles, Joseph | Endley, James | Erwin, William A. | Frank, John | Freer, Carolina | Frisbee, William | Garren, Marion | Green, Jeremiah | Green, Katherine | Hall, A. E. | Hampton, Levi | Hawley, Levi | Henderson, David | Henderson, L. D. | Henry, James L. | Herndon, E. W. | Herrick, Edwin Hayden | Hyatt, P. A. | Hyman, Ellen | Ingram, Louis | James, Silas | Johnson, A. R. | Johnson, Henry J. | Johnson, Rufus | Johnson, V. D. | Johnston, Hugh J. | Jump, William | Kennedy, John P. | Kimberley, Bettie | Lanning, John | Lanning, Rebecca | Lee, Stephen | Lenoir, Betsy | Litcomb, Margarett | Love, Lorenzo | Luther, Laura | Luther, Solomon | Lynch, Martha J. | McBrayer, William | McGill, Wardlaw | Mercer, Sarah Ann | Merrell, John | Merriman, Branch H. | Middleton, Henry | Miles, Levin | Miller, Henry | Miller, Peter | Moody, Mary Janet | Mordecai, G. W. | Morgan, David | Morgan, Noah | Morrow, Ebenezer | Murdock, Margaret | Murphy, Laura | Murray, Patience Marcella | Murray, Robert A. | Murray, William S. | Palmer, C. B. | Patton, Eliza W. | Patton, John E. | Penland, M. P. | Pinner, Hugh | Plummer, William G. | Polk, Thomas | Poor, John | Pullium, R. W. | Randolph, Mary | Rankin, W. D. | Ratcliff, M. J. | Reed, Jacob | Reed, William R. | Revis, W. C. | Reynolds, John | Reynolds, John D. | Richards, Charles B. | Roberson, James Alford | Roberts, James Riley | Roberts, Joshua | Roberts, M. | Roberts, Thomas O. | Rogers, Caroline M. | Roselee, Sarah | Rumple, Robert | Russell, W. H. | Saunders, Benjamin F. | Shackleford, P. C. | Sluder, J. E. | Sluder, John | Southee, Joseph | Smith, B. J. | Smith, F. A., Mrs. | Smith, James T. | Smith, J. H. | Smith, Owen | Smith, William A. | Stepp, Rachael | Stevens, Francis M. | Stevenson, Abraham | Stewart, John Curtice | Stroup, Nancy | Swain, Eleanor H. | Taylor, Robert J. | Wallack, Isadore | Weaver, Jesse R. | Weaver, John S. | Weaver, M. M. | Wells, J. R. | Whitaker, Henry | White, David | Woodcocke, J. A. | Woodfin, Eliza | Worth, Frederick | Young, Lewis