Images of Wills and Estates 1798 to 1819
Alston, James to Phillip Alston (deed) | Babb, Moses | Bagley, , Henry | Barbe, Goin | Bennett, , James | Bishop, Richard | Booker, John | Booth, Moses | Branch, Edmond | Branch, Edmund | Brantly, John | Brantley, Joseph | Brasington, Joseph | Braxton, Thomas | Bray, , Henry | Brewer, Jeremiah Brooks, Thomas | Brown, Daniel | Brown, Joseph | Brown, Nancy | Bryant, Elizabeth | Bryant, Obediah | Bullard, , James | Burnett, Alexander | Burns, John Sr. | Bynum, Luke | Carniss, Matthew | Carrell, Starling | Carter, Samuel | Cate, Richard | Chapman, David | Collen, John | Cook, Abraham | Cook, , Henry | Cook, John M. | Copeland, , James | Coskatt, John | Cotton, Seth | Cox, William | Crow, John | Crutchfield, Martin | Culberson, Andrew. | Culberson, Samuel | Dabney, John and Thomas Perkins to William Vestal | Dark, Joseph Sr. | David, Richard | Davis, John | Denton, , James | Doan, John | Dorsett, Travis Douglas, John | Dowd, Judith | Dowd, Richard | Dowdy, Thomas | Duffy, William | Duly, William | Edwards, William | Emerson, Margret | Evans, Ruth | Farrar, John | Farrar, Milly | Ferrington, John | Fooshee, Joseph | Fooshee, Simon | Fuller, , Henry | Futterlok, Elizabeth | Gillimore, Samuel | Glasson, Joseph | Glover, Benjamin | Glover, Thomas | Goodwin, Gideon | Gotarton, William | Grady, Thomas | Granger, Thomas | Graves, William | Guthrie, William | Hadley, Joshua Sr. | Hall, John | Haynes, Andrew. | Headin, John | Henderson, Angeline | Hines, Boling | Hinson, James from Sarah Ronalds | Hinton, Joseph | Hobson, Joseph | Holaday, , Henry | Hollowell, Reubin | Hunter, Elisha | Hurley, Amos | Jenks, Joseph | Jones, Elizabeth | Kinchen, Alexander | Kirby, , James | Kirk, George | Lacy, Ann | Lacy, Philemon Sr. | Lea, Joseph | Leavens, Richmond | Ledbetter, William | Lucas, George | Lucas, William | Marley, Benjamin | Marsh, Robert | Marshall, Benjamin | Marshall, John | Martin, Clementine | Martin, George | Martin, William | Martin, Zachariah | Massey, , James | Matthews, Clybron | May, Joseph | McDaniel, John | McIver, Duncan | McManus, Lawrence | McSwan, John | Meacham, William Sr. | Medlin, Michael | Milliken, Quinton | Minter, John Sr. | Moffit, Hugh | Montgomery, John | Moody, William | Moon, , James | Moon, John | Morgan, Joseph | Odean, Thomas | Pace, Richard | Parker, Robert | Parish, Davis | Parrish, Robert | Partridge, Sarah | Patterson, , James | Pattmon, Mark | Pearce, Richard | Peoples, Hugh Piggott, John | Pike, Lydia | Pilkinton, John | Poe, Robert | Poe, William | Powers, David | Powers, John | Prince, Nicholas | Pritchet, Thomas | Purvis, Robert | Pyle, John | Ragland, Thomas to James Alston (deed) | Ratcliff, John | Rayland, William | Reynolds, Florence | | Ritch, Jacob | Rives, Seley | Rives, Thomas | Rogers, Josiah | Rogers, William | Rows, John | Self, Parish | Sellars, , James | Smith, John | Smith, William | Springfield, John | Staley, Christian | Stinson, Aaron | Stokes, Thomas to Obediah Bryant | Stone, Francis | Straughan, Richard | Tabor, Thomas | Teague, Bunsby | Teague, Moses | Temples, William | Thompson, John | Tomblinson, John | Tripp, John | Uttey, William | Vestal, Thomas | Vestal, William | Wade, Edmond | Ward, Rachel | Whinnery, Robert | White, John | White, John (2) | White, Katherine White, Thomas | Whitehead, Arthur | Whitehead, Joseph | Wilkins, Alexander | Williams, A. | Williams, Burwell Williams, John | Willis, William | Willson, Michael | Wilson, Rebecca | Winter, Daniel | Wistray, Benjamin | Womack, John Sr. | Womble, , James | Womble, Thomas
Pittsboro, North Carolina

Images of Chatham County Wills and Estates

Chatham County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers
Wills and Estates 1818 to 1833
Armistead, Alexander | Atkinson, John A. | Atkinson, John | Avent, John | Avent, July Ann | Barbee, Betsy | Barbie, Gray | Beasley, Elizabeth | Bell, Thomas | Bland, John | Booker, , James | Branson, Joseph | Branson, Levi | Brantly, William | Branton, William | Brewer, Samuel | Brewer, Solomon | Brooks, Isaac Buchannan, Elizabeth | Buckanon, Sarah | Buckner, Jesse Burns, Thomas | Burns, William | Bush, Mary | Cate, Richard | Caveness, Matthew Cole, Elizabeth | Cole, Thomas | Cole, William Sr. | Copeland, Mark | Cotten, Rhoderick | Curl, William | Denny, Anderson Dismukes, George | Dixon, George | Dixon, Nathan Dixon, Sarah | Dixon, Solomon | Dixon, Thomas | Dodd, William | Edwards, , James | Edwards, Joshua Sr. | Fann, Rachel | Farrar, Peter | Farrar, William | Fooshee, Happy | Fooshee, Joseph | Fields, , James | Garner, , James | Gillam, William | Glass, Josiah | Glass, William | Gunter, Richard | Guthrie, Cleburn | Hackary, William | Hadley, Jane | Hamblett, William | Harris, Benjamin | Henderson, John | Hinshaw, Joseph | Hinsley, William | Hobson, Stephen | Holaday, Samuel | Horton, Benjamin | Horton, Jesse | Horton, William | Howard, Dorcas | Johnson, Jesse | Jones, , James | Justice, David | Kemp, Joseph T. | Kemp, Josiah | Lawrence, Elizabeth S. | Leighleman, John | Lindley, Thomas | Lucas, Mary | MacIver, John | Manly, Basil | Mann, Thomas | Martin, , James | Mazey, John | McCan, Mary | McDaniel, , James | McInnis, Miles | McIver, Evander | McKenzie, Murdock | McQueen, Archibald S. | McQueen, Murds | Mebane, John | Merritt, George | Merritt, William | Milton, David | Minter, Joseph | Moran, William | Moss, John | O’Kelly, Elizabeth | O’Kelly, , James | O’Kelly, William | Oldham, John | Pattishall, William | Penny, Charles | Phillips, William | Poe, Stephen | Powell, Eliza | Powell, Thomas | Prince, William | Purvis, George | Quackenbush, , Henry | Ramsey, Ambrose | Ramsey, Eliza | Ramsey, John | Richardson, Isaac | Riddle, John | Roberts, Ishmael | Roe, Solomon | Rollings, John | Sanders, A. | Sanders, Benjamin | Scarborough, Miles Sewter, , Henry | Smith, Ambrose | Smith, Lemuel | Stedman, Wiinship | Stone, Ann | Stone, Thomas | Taylor, George W.| Taylor, , James | Taylor, James (1829) Teague, David | Tyson, Cornelius | Vestal, Benjamin | Vestal, David | Walden, John C. | Ward, Robert | Ward, William | Watson, Robert | West, Ignatius | West, Thomas | Wester, Mary | White, John | White, Stephen | Wicker, Thomas | Willett, , James | Willis, Francis | Willis, William | Wilson, Stephen | Wistory, Elizabeth | Woody, Hugh
Images of Wills and Estates 1834 to 1857
Adcock, Joshua | Albright, William | Allen, John | Allen, Peter | Alston, Aran | Alston, Gideon Alston, John | Alston, Nathaniel | Armistead, Larry | Armistead, Westward | Atkinland, Richard | Bain, Francis | Barham, William | Baute, Randolph Bay, Thomas | Bell, Elijah | Bell, Mary | Benett, Solomon | Blande, , James | Booker, Phylis | Boon, Raford | Bowen, William | Bray, Harman | Bray, , Henry | Bray, , James | Bray, William | Brewer, John | Brewer, Nathan Bridges, Joseph | Bright, Simon | Brooke, Larkin | Brooks, Joab | Brooks, Richard | Brown, Ebenezer Brown, Nancy | Brown, William | Bryan, Aaron | Bryan, Reddin | Bunn, John | Burchard, Elizabeth | Burchard, Jedekiah | Burgess, John | Burnett, Isaiah| Burns, B. J. | Burns, , James | Carter, John | Chawney, Joshua | Cook, Mary | Cooper, , James | Cross, Parish | Crump, Martha | Crutchfield, Thomas | Dane, George | Daniel, Mary | Dark, Susannah | Dickens, Thomas | Dison, Benjamin | Dodd, Benjamin | Dodd, Herbert | Dodd, , James | Dorsett, John | Dowd, Richard | Dowd, Samuel | Drake, Richard | Drake, Sally | Drake, William | Edwards, David | Edwards, Hanah | Edwards, Hugh | Edwards, Isaac | Edwards, , James | Edwards, Joel | Edwards, Stokes | Emmerson, Eli | Evans, Anthony | Evans, Richard | Farrah, Powell | Ferguson, Archibald | Fooshee, Bethany | Foushee, Nelly | Fooshee, Simon | Fooshee, William | Fox, David | Fox, John | Freeman, Lewis | Garner, William | Gee, George | Gilden, , Henry | Gilmore, Stephen | Goodwin, , Henry | Gunter, Isham | Gunter, John | Guthrie, William | Hackney, Joseph | Hackney, Robert | Hadley, Jacob | Hammond, William | Hanks, John | Harland, William | Harman, George | Hartsoe, Isaac | Hash, John | Hatley, Uriah | Hattey, Abner | Haughton, John | Headen, Dolley | Headen, Isaac | Heathcock, Patrick | Henry, George | Herndon, Reuben | Hill, Jeremiah | Hinshaw, Benjamin | Hinshaw, Nancy | Hinshaw, Thomas | Hinshaw, William | Hinton, A. J. | Hobson, Joseph | Holland, Sampson | Holland, Wiley | Hodges, Joab | Holmes, Lewis | Horne, James | Horton, James | Jacks, Job | Jackson, Samuel | Jean, Barber | Jenkins, Sanford | Jinkins, Sanford | Johnson, Daniel | Johnson, John | Johnson, Michael Sr. | Johnston, John | Jones, Alston | Jones, Edmund | Jones, Susan | Jordan, William | Justice, Susannah | Kelly, Mary | Kemp, Daniel | Kemp, Joseph | Kemp, Susannah | Lamberly, John | Lambeth, Rachael Lambeth, Thomas | Lassater, Bennett Lassater, Thomas | Lassatar, William | Lindley, , James | Lindley, Joshua Mann, Isham | Mann, Joseph | Marcus, Jane | Marks, Margaret | Marsh, Susan | Masey, Sally | Mason, William | McBride, Archibald | McMasters, William | Mebane, John | Moody, Benjamin | Moon, B.| Moore, J. | Moore, Rebecca | Morgan, Joseph | Neal, , James | Owen, Winnifred Palmer, Robert | Patrick, William | Pattishall, John | Peoples, John | Perry, John | Perry, Turner | Pickett, Simeon | Pickington, Samuel | Poe, Rebecca | Pugh, Thomas | Ridell, Cato | Riggsby, Phebe | Rives, Edward | Rush, Elizabeth | Scott, Stephen | Siler, Philip Sr. | Simon, Whitney | Small, Joseph | Snipes, John | Snipes, Thomas | Stanton, Willis | Stewart, Alexander | Stillman, Robert P. | Stinson, Robert | Stone, John | Stout, William | Strom, Alston | Strangham, Bailey | Swann, Sarah | Taylor, Rowling | Taylor, Sarah | Terry, Hannah | Terry, , James | Thomas, Benjamin | Thompson, George | Toomer, John | Torance, Sarah Ann | Uttey, Gabriel | Vistal, David | Waddell, Sarah | Ward, Martha | Watson, Elizabeth | Watson, John | Webster, Elizabeth | Welch, , Henry | Welch, William | Whiteheade, John | Whitner, Margaret | Wickson, Milly | Williams, Delpha | Williams, George | Williams, John | Williams, Richard | Williams, Thomas | Womack, Green | Womack, John | Womble, Catharine | Workman, Thomas