
Grog Shops

The local grog shops in Edenton were always packed with roistering sailors and the inns echoed the salty language of sea captains. Benedict Arnold visited in his brig Harriet and John in 1774. The port received vessels from England and Scotland about every two weeks. Merchants such as the Swiss Borritz, the German Kock, the Frenchman Peyrinnaut, the Scot Littlejohn, and the Irishman Bennett frequented the grog shops. Shipmasters stayed for a month or so and an English visitor called Edenton ” the most pleasant and beautiful town in North Carolina.” A leading businessman during 1773 was the 43-year-old Joseph Hewes who ran a store in partnership with Robert Smith and operated the shipyard at the point where Pembroke Creek meets Edenton Bay.

Napoleon's War

In 1794 Edenton residents celebrated the recent French victories with a party of friends at Egan’s tavern, using a display of flags in front of the Court House. A volley was fired from the cannon and a good time had and was written up in the North Carolina Gazette. This beautiful little town was founded by Scotch-Irish immigrants and has prospered from the beginning with charm and friendliness. It is a place which everyone should want to visit.

Names of Families in Chowan County Genealogy, Wills and Estates

Chowan was formed in 1670 as a precinct in Albemarle County. It was named in honor of the Indian tribe Chowan, which lived in the northeastern part of the Colony. The county is located in the northeastern section of the State and is bounded by Albemarle Sound, Chowan River, and the counties of Bertie, Hertford, Gates, and Perquimans. The county seat is Edentonton, dating from about 1720 and named in honor of Governor Charles Eden.

Genealogy and Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers

List of Wills

  • List of Wills 1777 to 1784

Census Records

  • 1790 Chowan County

Index to Deed Records

  • 1761-1762

Do we have the Guts to Accomplish another Celestial Adventure?

Since our quest to reach the moon in the 1960s, this country has colonized there, or on Mars. Although lots of taxpayer money has been spent in sending out rockets for discovery, we have yet to accomplish another great feat such as reaching the “moon!” Perhaps if we take a long look at the past of our ancestors and how they dared to cross the seas to find something better, we might latch on to their strengths and perseverence. Because once they arrived in America, they had to first tame a wilderness through hard working labor. Despite the dangers, they came. Despite the risks, they ventured. Elon Musk, the Canadian business-magnate, dared to dream and create Space-X, and so far, it is looking pretty interesting. Just as our ancestors!