Edgecombe County Probate Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers
Images of Edgecombe County Wills 1749 to 1775
Testators: Allen, James; Allen, John; Allen, Roger ; Barnes, Edward ; Barnes, Thomas; Bell, Thomas ; Bond, Henry; Braswell, James ; Bryant, William; Cain, James ; Cane, William; Coleman, Charles; Coleman, Charles (2) ; Coleman, Moses; Coleman, Robert ; Colwell, John; Daniel, Aaron; DeLoach, Samuel ; Evans, Abraham; Fenn, John; Floyd, Francis; Fort, Elias; Fort, John; Furguson, Isaac; Garner, John; Gay, John; Goodson, Thomas; Griffin, John; Harrel, Thomas; Hilliard, James; Horn, Henry; Hudnall, Robert; Ivey, Adam; Jeruse, William; Johnson, Benjamin; Knight, Robert ; Mound, William; Parker, John ; Perrit, Priscilla ; Pitman, Joseph ; Pitman, Moses ; Pool, Lawrence; Pridgeon, William; Ricks, Isaac; Ross, Andrew; Ross, Daniel ;Ross, William ; Row, William ; Sellers, Benjamin ; Speer, James ; Stallions, James ; Summerall, Sarah; Umphrey, Robert ; Vickors, Ralph; Wall, Elijah ; Wall, Daniel ; Wall, Gerrard ; Whittington, Richard ; Williams, Phillis ; Williams, Pilgrim; Williamson, Hardy ; Wright, William
Edgecombe County Wills
- Abstracts of Edgecombe County Wills 1707 to 1760
Miscellaneous Records
- Causey Estate
- Edgecombe County Map of 1732-1855 boundaries
- Early Edgecombe Records (Families)
Names of Families in Edgecombe County Genealogy, Wills, Estates
Edgecombe County was formed in 1732 from Bertie County. Granville, Halifax and Nash Counties were later formed from Edgecombe County. The county was named after Richard Edgecombe, an English baron.
Military Records
- Clark’s Guard, 1863

"The Grove"
“The Grove” was built by General Thomas Blount (1795-1812) ca 1808 in Tarboro, North Carolina. The Tar River served as a thriving inland port for merchants and farmers in that vicinity. Blount was a landowner, merchant, congressman, and revolutionary soldier. He was born in Craven County, North Carolina and was closely associated with his two brothers, Willim and John Gray Blount in business and politics. During the American Revolution Thomas Blount served as a Lieutenant in the Fifth Regiment of the North Carolina Continental Line and was taken to England as a prisoner of war for a time. Later on, he served as a major general in the North Carolina Militia.
John Mann
Captain Thomas Mann, an English merchant and commander of the vessel Edward & Francis settled first in Charleston, South Carolina. His son, John Mann of Berkeley County, South Carolina sold the land which he inherited from his father and was removed to Edgecombe County about 1738. Later, in about 1745, when Edgecombe Parish was organized, John Mann served as a Clerk. The parish house no longer exists and it was known later as St. Mary’s Parish.