
Images of Wills and Estates, Volume 1, 1787 to 1838

Abernathy, Joshua | Andrews, Drury | Andrews, William B. | Arundell, James | Bass, Anna | Bass, Boyakin | Bledsoe, Patrick Bobbett, Elizabeth | Bobbitt, Lewis C. | Boon, James W. | Boon, Willis | Bowden, Jordan | Bracken, Benjamin (only one page) | Bridges, Benjamin Sr. | Bridges, William B. | Brookes, Christopher Sr. | Brown, William | Buffelow, Samuel | Burrow, James | Butter, Elizabeth | Carlile, Nancy Chaves, John | Clay, Josiah | Collins, James | Collins, Lewis | Collins, William | Connelly, William | Cook, Amy | Cook, Benjamin Cooly, John | Cooper, Hannon | Davis, Priscilla | Dent, John | Denton, Ann. | Evans, Sherwood Floyd, Ann. | Foster, D. | Fox, Isham | Freeman, William | Fuller, James | Gant, Charles | Gibbs, John | Gill, John | Goodloe, Henry | Green, Simon Greer, John | Ham, Elisha | Hammonds, J. | Hardie, Thomas | Harris, Brady | Hawse, Isaac. | Hayes, John | Hight, John | Hill, Bennett | Hill, Charles | Hill, Robert | Hill, Thomas | Hoof, John | Hugh, Sarah | Jackson, William | Jones, Elizabeth | Jones, Jacob | Lanier, John | Leonard, John | Leonard, Mary | Long, Nicholas | Luman, Joseph | Mapey (or Massy), William

Names of Families in Franklin County Wills and Estates

Franklin County was created in 1779 and was taken from the southern half of Bute County, which is now extinct. It was named for Benjamin Franklin. Later on in 1787 part of Wake County went to Franklin and again in 1875 and 1881 lands from Granville and Vance Counties. The county seat is Louisburg, North Carolina.

Franklin County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers.

Miscellaneous Wills

  • Gant, Charles | (1816 LWT)
  • Gant, Edward (1781 LWT)

Images of Wills and Estates, Volume 2, 1787 to 1838

Bark, John | Hodges, Joel | Mapey (or Massy), Richard | Maxwell, James | Merritt, L. | Mitchell, Abba | Moore, Ann | Moses, Abraham | Murphey, Nicholas | Neal, Moses | Nicholson, Matthew | Ottenbridge, Stephen | Overton, Aaron | Parson, Amy | Parson, Francis | Pascall, Isaiah | Perry, Burrell | Perry, James | Perry, Jeremiah | Perry, Nathan | Perry, Solomon | Pinell, John | Pulliam, John | Richards, Thomas | Richards, William | Rowan, Elizabeth | Smith, John | Solomon, William | Stallings, Elias | Stokes, Rebecca | Stone, John | Sutherland, John | Tabb, Dianna | Taylor, Francis Taylor, John | Thomas, Henry | Thomas, John | Vaugh, Amos | Waddail, William | Wiggins, Sampson Williams, John | Winston, William | Williams, Lloyd Wrenn, Elizabeth | Wren, Sarah | Wright, Griffin | Wynn, Charles | Yarbrough, Archibald | Yarbrough, James | Yarbrough, Martha | Young, James | Young, John