Images of Will Book 1758 to 1774
Testators: Andrews, Henry | Baley, Richard | Baylis, John; | Bell, George | Boykin, John | Brown, Samy | Bruce, Peter | Bryant, William | Bull, Thomas | Butler, Joseph | Bynum, James | Cox, William | Crudup, George | Daikers, Daniel | Desire, James Judge | Dur, John | Dyar, James | Edmonds, James | Emry, Green | Enlow, John | Fargason, William | Fuqua, William | Goodwin, George | Graves, George | Green, Thomas | Hardy, Hugh | Harris, Thomas | Haws, Henry | Heath, Thomas | High, Daniel | Hobgood, William | House, William | Jackson, James | Johnson, Peter | Jones, William | Langley, Thomas | Lattimore, Mary | Lempty, Hening | Linden, John | Mathis, Thomas Sr. | McKenzie, Barnaby | Merrit, Benjamin | Pavis, John | Peirce, Joseph | Perry, Patience | Pitts, Walter | Pope, Henery | Pope, Richard | Pope, Thomas | Pope, Thomas (2) | Powell, William | Reed, Susanna | Robbinson, William | Robertson, Henry | ; Smith, Drew | ; Smith, James | Studivent, Biggin | Tatum, Joshua | Taylor, James | Taylor, Roger | Thompson, William Riddle Hunt | Upshaw, William | Wallace, Michael | Waller, John | Wiggins, Thomas | Wilkins, Thomas | Williams, Francis | Williams, Jane | Williams, John | Williamson, Robert

Names of Families in Halifax County Wills and Estates
Halifax County was formed in 1758 from Edgecombe County. It was named for George Montague-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax, President of the Board of Trade from 1748 to 1761. In 1774 the southeastern part of Halifax County was combined with part of Tyrrell County to form Martin County. The county seat is Halifax.
Miscellaneous Wills 1775 to 1779
- Gardner, Thomas
- Lane, Joseph
Images of Halifax County Wills 1781 to 1824
Testators: Adams, James; Adams, John; Allen, James; Alsobrook, John; Alston, John; Alston, Joseph John; Ames, Thomas; Anderson, Nathan; Applewhite, Martha; Baker, James; Barker, Joshua; Barker, Stephen; Barnes, John; Barrow, Jacob; Barrow, William; Bass, Denis; Bass, John; Bell, Arthur; Bell, Elisha; Bell, Joshua; Bell, Marmaduke; Bellfort, I.; Bennett, William; Berryman, John; Berryman, Josiah Bird, Peter Bishop, Jonathan Bishop, William; Blount, Chloe; Blount, Robert; Bradford, John; Brady, John; Bradley, Benjamin; Bradley, Eleanor; Branch, John; Branch, William; Brantley, Robert; Brinkley, Jerry; Brinkley, Judith; Brinkley, William; Brinkley, William (2); Brown, Elias; Bruce, William; Bull, Moses; Burges, Stephen; Burgess, William; Burt, Stephen; Cain, James; Caplan, James; Carney, Richard; Carstorpher, James; Carter, Benjamin; Carter, Charles; Carter, Jacob; Carter, Joseph; Carter, Robert; Carter, Sarah; Clark, Elizabeth; Clopton, Walter; Coley, Charles; Cone, John; Cooper, John; Cooper, Thomas; Corlew, Lemuel; Corlin, Sarah; Cotton, Henry; Cotton, Joab; Cotton, William; Coupland, William; Counsel, Nathan; Cox, John; Crowell, Edward; Crowell, Thomas; Cullum, Jeremiah; Cullum, William Sr.; Daffin, John; Daniel, James; Daniel, John; Daniel, John (continued); Daniel, William; Davis, Croonsdale; Davis, Francis; Davis, Goodman; Davis, James; Davis, Mary; Davis, Nathan; Dawson, Henry; Dawson, John; Dickens, Henry Dickens, John; Dixon, Elisha Doles, Rebecher Dudley, Christopher Duberry, Joiles; Easley, James; Eaton, Thomas; Edingame, George; Edmonds, William; Edmondson, Bryant; Edmundson, Thomas; Edwards, Collene; Edwards, Jesse; Edwards, Martha; Eelbeck, Henry Eelbeck, Montfort; Elbanck, Elizabeth; Elbeck, Montford; Etheridge, Aaron; Emory, Edward; Etheredge, William; Even, Elizabeth; Everett, Jesse; Ezel, J. ; Faucett, James; Flewellen, Richard; Ford, Ann; Foreman, Benjamin ; Garland, Patrick; Gee, James; Gilmour, John; Good, Thomas; Grant, James; Gray, John; H. Gray, Joseph; Gray, Thomas; Griffin, Brinkley; Griffin, Esbell; Grimmer, William; Hadley, William; Hall, Frederick; Hall, Ignatius; Hall, Mary; Hall, Robert; Halloway, William; Hancock, Henry; Hardin, James; Hardin, William; Harper, Ambrose; Harris, Drury; Harris, Elias; Harris, Roe; Harris, Temperance; Harvey, William; Hawkins, Isham ; Hawkins, Joseph; Haynes, Christopher; Haynes, Thomas; Herbert, John; Hill, Calleos Hill, Sarah Hill, William; Hill, William (2); Hilliard, Margaret; Hinton, James; Hobgood, John; Hogan, James; Hogan, Lemuel ; Hollowell, Arthur; Hopkins, Joseph; Horn, Richard Horton, Samuel; Howell, Thomas; Hunter, Alice Hudson, Edward Hulm, John; Hulm, Mary; Humphries, Elijah; Hurst, Spencer; Iles, John; Irby, Elizabeth; Jackson, Edward Jackson, Thomas; Jarvis, William; Johnson, Elizabeth; Johnston, Abraham; Jones, Austin Curtis Jones B. Jones, David Jones, Joshua; Jones, Miller; Jones, Sarah; Jones, Thomas; Jones, Willie; Jones, Willie; Jones, William; Joyner, Bridgeman ;Joyner, Henry; Joyner, Patience Joyner, Theophilus Judge Sr.; Judkins, Nathaniel ;Kelley, James; Killingsworth, William; King, Edward; Knight, Ephraim; Lane, David Lane, Levi; Lane, Martha; Lane, William; Lane, William (2) ; Lindsay, Judah; Lock, John; Long, George W.; Long, Giles; Long, Mary; Long, Nicholas, Colonel; Lowe, William Jr.; Lowe, William; Lowry, Thomas; Lucas, Rebecca; Mallory, Francis; Martin, William; Marshall, Benjamin; Marshall, David; Marshall, John; Marshall, Starling; Mason, Elizabeth; Matthews, Gideon; Matthews, Moses; Matthews, Rape; McCollum, John; McCullock, Alexander; McDougall, James; McGregor, Cloe; McKinney, Sarah; Mecom, Mathew; Merritt, Ephraim; Merritt, Richard; Merritt, Thomas; Merritt, William; Mitchell, Elizabeth Montfort, Edward Montfort, Richard Moore, James; Moore, Mary; Moore, Reuben Moran, William; Morgan, Peter Morley, John; Morris, Griffin Morris, Hezekiah Morris, Philemon Moss, Richard Moye, Thomas; Muir, Robert Muir, William; Muncrief, William; Nelloms, Meredith Nelms, Josiah Nicholl, Jane Nichols, Luke Nichols, Thomas; Noblen, William; Norfleet, M. Parker, William; Partin, Jesse Pass, William; Passmore, Robert Pasteur, James; Pearce, Benjamin Pearce, Francis Pearce, Mary; Pearce, W. N. Pearman, William; Pemberton, Robert Perkins, Henry; Perkins, William; Perry, Hubbard Perry, John; Phillips, John; Pitman, Ambrose Pitman, Blake Pitman, Martha Pitman, Milley Pitman, Samuel; Pitman, William; Pitman, Zilphia Pom, John; Pope, Elijah Pope, Hardie Pope, William; Porter, Samuel; Porter, Samuel (2); Powell, John; Powell, John; (2) Powell, John; (3) Powell, Jordan Pritchett, Christopher Pritchet, John; Pritchett, Thomas; Pugh, Ann Pugh, David Pullen, William Sr.; Purnal, John; Quall, James; Quall, Mary; Read, Mary; Richardson, William; Rives, Timothy Roaper, John; Rogers, Thomas; Ross, Jacob Rutland, Shadrack Sampson, Stephen Sands, Barham Scurlock, Thomas; Sessions, Elenor Shane, James; Shaw, James; Shaw, John; Silgraves, John; Sills, Isham Simmons, L. Simmons, William; Sims, Robert Slatter, James; Sledge, Archibald ; Smith, Absally N. ; Smith, Amy ; Smith, Ann ; Smith, Arthur ; Smith, James; Sr. ; Smith, Joel ; Smith, John; ; Smith, John; (2) ; Smith, Peter ; Smith, Robert R. ; Smith, Samuel; ; Smith, Thomas; ; Smith, Thomas; (2) ; Smith, William; ; Smith, William; (2) Spann, Willis Stamper, Elizabeth Steel, Tabitha Steele, Richard Stiles, Thomas; Story, Sarah Strickland, Herman Sturdivant, Anderson Sturdivant, Jesse Sturdivant, Sarah Sumner, William Sutherlin, John; Tate, Francis Taylor, Joseph; Thrower, Thomas; Tillery, Eppy; Tillery, John; Towns, William Troughton, Mary; Turner, Edwin Turner, Jesse Turner, Nathan Turner, Thomas; Turner, William Turner, William (2); Vaden, George; Valentine, Daniel ; Vick, Benjamin Vincent, John; Vinson, Phillip; Wadley, Joseph; Wall, Robert; Waller, William; Watson, John; Watson, William Weaver, Henry; West, Israel Wheeless, Joseph Whitehead, Joseph Whitaker, Richard ; Whitmell, Thomas; Blount Wiggins, Arthur; Wiggins, William ; Williams, Charles ; Williams, Jesse ; Williams;, John; Williams, John; (2) ; Williams, John; Jr. ; Williams, Joseph John; ; Williams, Lucy ; Williams, Silvia ; Williamson, John; Willis, Augustine; Winter, Joseph ;Winter, Joseph (2) ;Winter, Thomas; Wootten, John; Wootton, William; Wright, Martha; Wright, Nancy; Wyatt, James; Yarbrough, George ;Young, George; Young, John; Zollicoffer, George