
Wills and Inventories 1808 to 1848

Testators:Barns, George ;Belk,Darling ;Belk,James ;Bryson, Andrew ;Cabe, John ;Cathey, George ;Colley, Daniel ;Crisp, Isaac ;Endsley, Andrew ;Floyd, Henry ;Green, Elijah ;Hall, George ;Hollingsworth, Enoch ;Hyatt, Edward ;Hyatt, Elisha ;Johnson, John ;Johnson, John (estate) ;Jones, Charles ;Jones, John ;McDowell, James ;Mingles, John ;Moody, Harlen ;Morrison, John ;Nichols, Christopher ;Norton, Gideon ;Osborn, Jonathan ;Pence, Abraham ;Ratcliff, Abraham ;Reaves, Jack ;Rhodes, Henry ;Ring, David ;Sands, Jeremiah ;Shields, George ;Strane, Andrew ;Street, John ;Walker, Felix ;Watson, Adam ;Weathers, Isaac ;Williams, Daniel ;Wilson, David

Haywood County Genealogy: Wills and Estates

Haywood County was created in 1808 from the western part of Buncombe County. It was named for John Haywood, the North Carolina State Treasurer from 1787 to 1827. In 1828 the western part of Haywood County became Macon County. In 1851 parts of Haywood County and Macon County were combined to form Jackson County.

Genealogy Resources Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Miscellaneous Records

  • Spanish-American War Veterans
  • Indexes to Probate Records
  • Wills and Estates 1848 to 1876
  • Records of North Carolina State Archives
  • List of Marriage Licenses 1857 to 1914
  • List of Wills

Early Settlers to Haywood County

  • Biographical Sketches

Images of Wills and Estates 1848 to 1876


Allanson, Gideon ;Allen, A. B. ;Allen, Archibald ;Allen, J. B. ;Allen, N. B. ;Allen, Z. B. ;Allison, Joshua ;Allman, G. ;Bird, William S. ;Brindle, Mary ;Brown, Hugh ;Browning, William ;Campbell, Allen ;Chambers, G. W. ;Clark, S. V. ;Colwell, Thomas ;Commons, Mat (colored) ;Cooper, Lockart ;Coyle, Lucinda ;Davis, J. L. ;Deaver, Elijah ;Edmonston, N. ;Green, William ;Hartgrave, guardian ;Holland, G. H. ;Howell, David ;Kirby, Henry ;Kellim, J. W. ;Kirby, J. H. ;Kilpatrick, Thomas ;Kilpatrick, William D. ;Long, Elizabeth ;Long, J. P. ;Love, J. R. ;Love, Thomas ;McAbee, Isaac ;McCracken, John ;McGee, John ;Moore, George ;Moore, Green ;Moore, Susannah ;Osborn, John ;Palmer, George ;Patton, James ;Penland, C. H. ;Penland, G. N. ;Penland, Robert ;Phillips, Dan ;Platt, Amos ;Rathbone, Joseph ;Rathbone, Silas ;Rhea, John ;Rinchard, Joseph ;Rivers, James ;Rogers, Robert ;Rogers, Susanah ;Sellers, Jacob ;Sellers, John ;Sparks, J. J. ;Wootten, James