Images of Hyde County Wills and Estates 1764 to 1818, Vols. 1, 2, 3
Abrams, John | Adams, William |Alderson, Levy |Allen, Jason | Allen, John |Arthur, James |Bailey, Bethnell |Bailey, Davis | Bailey, Henry |Bailey, James |Bailey, Joshua |Bailey, Thomas | Balchelder, James |Baron, Ann |Barron, George |Barron, William | Barron, Zachariah | Beachey, William |Bell, Abram |Bell, Ebenezer | Bell, George |Bell, Joshua |Bell, Watson |Bell, William |Blount, Lewis |Boomer, William |Botson, Mary |Boyd, Robert | Brooks, Stephen |Bull, William |Burgess, Malicka | Burks, William |Caffey, William |Caldwell, Joseph |Campbell, William |Capps, James |Carrowan, John |Carson, Ann |Chambers, Ezekiel | Chambers, John |Clark, Ann |Clark, Major | Clausen, Thomas | Cleaver, James |Cleaves, James |Cleaves, John |Cochran, William |Collins, Henry |Commer, Jacob | Commer, Jacob (2) | Cording, William |Cording, William (2) |Cox, Jesse |Cox, Joseph |Cox, William | Culbert, Peter | Daily, Thomas | Daily, William | Davidson, Hannah | Davids, Sophia | Davis, Davis | Davis, Duncan | Davis, Elizabeth | Davis, John | Davis, Samuel | Davis, Samuel | Davis, William | Davis, William (2) |Dawson, Philinda | Dixon, John | Donnelly, Henry | Duke, George | Durden, Jacob | Easton, Davis | Easton, Harris | Easton, John | Easton, Thomas | Ebom, Enoch | Ebom, John | Ebom, Samuel | Eborn, Rebeccah | Eborne, Aaron | Ebon, Edward | Ellis, Benjamin | Ellison, Thomas | Elsbre, John | Emmory, Steven |Ensley, John |Ester, William | Ethridge, John |Ethridge, Samuel |Farrow, John |Fisher, Robinson |Foreman, Benjamin |Foreman, Joseph |Foreman, Martin |Forman, Caleb |Forman, Caleb (2)|Forman, Joshua |Forman, Lazarus | Forman, Lazarus (2) |Galloway, Abraham |Gaskin, Ann |Gaylord, John |Gaylord, Rosanah |Gaylord, Thomas |Gaylord, Winsfield | Gibbs, Benjamin |Gibbs, Elizabeth |Gibbs, Joseph |Gibbs, Robert | Gibbs, Robert(2) |Gibbs, Selby |Gibbs, Thomas |Gibbs, William | Gibbs, William (2) |Glade, Agness |Green, Davis |Hall, James | Hall, John |Harris, John |Harris, J. W. |Hamis, Peter | Handison, Isaac | Harris, Sarah | Harris, William | Harris, William (2) | Harvey, Nathan | Havey, Margaret | Henderson, John | Henry, Hugh | Henry, Robert | Henry, Seth | Horsey, Peter | Howard, William | Hussey, Henry | Hussey, Mary | Inlowe, Mary | James, Henry | Jarvis, Agnes | Jarvis, Davis | Jarvis, Jesse | Jarvis, Josiah | Jasper, Jonathan | Jennett, Joseph | Jones, Abraham | Jones, Bartholomew | Jarvis, Agnes | Jarvis, Davis | Jarvis, Jesse | Jarvis, Josiah | Jasper, Elizabeth | Jasper, Jonathan | Jennett, Joseph | Jolley, Phillip | Jones, Abraham | Jones, Bartholomew | Jones, Morris | Jordan, Dinah | Jordan, Richard | Jurganns, Jonathan | Kipps, Seth | Lacy, Parker | Latham, Sarah | Mallison, Gordon | Mallison, John | Mann, Thomas | Martin, Benjamin | Mason, Agnes | Mason, James | Mason, John | Mason, Malicha | Mason, Mary | Mason, Thomas | McCarty, Archibald | McElwain, Edward | Midget, Christopher | Miller, Frederick | Moore, William | Mordeck, Benjamin | Mordick, Lewis | Morris, Thomas | Mullison, William | Murray, Daniel | Murray, Timothy Neal, Benjamin | O’Neal, William | Parmella, William | Pearl, Charles | Porter, William | Reeves, Edward | Russell, Benjamin | Selby, John | Selby, Nathan | Selby, Tolbert | Slade, Ann | Slade, Benjamin | Slade, Hannah | Slade, Hezekiah | Smith, James | Smith, John | Smith, L. | Smith, Margaret | Smith, Mary | Southside, Jonathan | Spencer, Edward | Spencer, John | Spencer, John (2) | Spencer, Nathan | Spencer, Nathan (2) | Spencer, William | Spring, Moses | Swindall, Caleb | Swindell, Isaac | Swindell, Isaiah | Swindell, Joel | Swindell, Josiah | Swindell, Zedekiah | Tyson, Aaron | Tyson, Aron | Walls, Joshua | Warner, James | Watson, William | Webster, James | Webster, John | Webster, William | White, Caleb | Whithand, Nathan | Wilkins, John | Wilkins, Patrick | Wilkinson, Isaac | Wilkinson, Isaiah | Wilkinson, James | Wilkinson, Sarah | Wilkinson, William | Wilkins, Thomas | Wilkins, Thomas (2) | Windfield, John | Windley, Maybell | Windley, Thomas | Winfield, Richard Winfield, Robert | Wormington, Samuel | Wright, James | Wright, Thomas | Wright, William

Hyde County Wills and Estates
Hyde County was formed December 3, 1705, as Wickham Precinct, one of three precincts within Bath County. The name Wickham was derived from the manor of Temple Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, the family home of John Archdale, Governor of North and South Carolina from 1695 to 1696. In 1712 it was renamed Hyde Precinct after Edward Hyde,the Governor of North Carolina from 1711 to 1712. In 1739 Bath County was abolished, and Hyde Precinct became Hyde County. Since, numerous boundary changes followed. In 1745 Lake Mattamuskeet and its adjoining territory were transferred from Currituck County to Hyde County. In 1819 the part of Hyde County west of the Pungo River was annexed to Beaufort County. In 1823 the part of Currituck County south of New Inlet was annexed to Hyde County. This area included the present day Hatteras Island. In 1845 Ocracoke Island was transferred from Carteret County to Hyde County. In 1870 Hyde County was reduced to its present dimensions, when its northeastern part was combined with parts of Currituck County and Tyrrell County which formed Dare County.