
Images of Johnston County Wills 1760 to 1859

Names of Testators: Adams, Hardy ] Adams, Howell ] Adams, Jesse ] Allen, Absabeth ] Allen, John ] Altman, Nanny ] Altman, Nathan ] Atkinson, Carry ] Atkinson, Ephraim ] Atkinson, John Sr. | Atkinson, Thomas ] Austin, Anison ] Austin, John Sr. ] Avera, John ] Avera, Mary ] Ann ] Avera, Mathew ] Avera, Thomas ] Avera, William ] Avery (or Avera) Alexander ] Bagby, John ] Bailey, David ] ] Bailey, Hardy ] Bailey, Henry ] Bailey, Isom ] Bailey, Jesse ] Bailey, Levi ] Baker, Elijah ] Ballance, William ] Ballard, Caleb ] Ballinger, John ] Barber, Burrel ] Barber, Wilsey ] Barefoot, Noah Sr. ] Barnes, Elizabeth ] Barnes, Henry ] Barrow, Thomas ] Batten, Abraham ] Batten, Hardy ] Batten, John ] Bayley, William ] Beddingfield, John ] Bell, Mary ] Blackman, Barzilla ] Blackman, Druzilla ] Blackman, John ] Blackman, Joseph ] Blackman, Mary ] Blackman, Moore ] Bledsoe, Isaac ] Bosworth, Dr. Stewart ] Boyett, George ] Boyett, Joseph ] Boykin, Solomon ] Brady, John ] Brannon, Leroy ] Brannon, Thomas ] Brewer, Jacob Parker ] Bridges, Benjamin ] Bridges, Eldeldred ] Bridges, William ] Britt, Jesse ] Broadstreet, Nancy ] Brooks, Jacob ] Brown, Jesse ] Brown, John ] Brown, Martha ] Brown, William ] Bryan, Bythan ] Bryan, Lewis ] Bryan, Loverd ] Bryan, Needham ] Bryan, Samuel ] Bryan, William ] Bryant, William ] Burch, Robert Butts, Henry ] Byrd, Richard] Byrd, Sutton Sr. Capps, Mathew ] Carr, Samuel ] Carrell, John ] Carrell, William ] Carroll, Sarah ] Carter, John ] Carter, Mathew ] Coats, William Sr. ] Cockrell, Samuel ] Cockrell, Stephen ] Cole, Willis ] Colley, Gregory ] Cotton, Jesse ] Creench, Joshua ] Crumpler, Edmon ] Culley, John ] Daughtry, Jacob ] Daughtery, John ] Davis, Arthur ] Davis, Dixon Sr. ] Davis, James ] Dean, William ] Dee, Emanuel ] DeLoach, Samuel ] Dixson, John Sr. ] Dodd, Elizabeth ] Dodd, John ] Dodd, Pherebe Dodd, Reubin Dodd, William ] Sr. ] Duck, Jacob ] Dudley, John ] Durham, James ] Durham, William ] Earp, Alsey ] Earp, Edward ] Earp, Sherrod ] Earp, Welby ] Eason, John ] Eason, Sanders ] Eason, Sally ] Eatman, Thomas ] Edwards, Micajah Sr.] Edwards, William ] Eldridge, William Sr. ] Ellington, Jesse ] Ellington, Martha ] Ellis, John ] Evans, Joshua ] Evens, John ] Fail, Needham ] Farmer, Asa ] Farmer, James ] Farmer, John ] Felks, Lemuel ] Fish, William ] Fivash, Millender ] Flowers, Jacob ] Folsom, Edith ] Frellick, Mary ] Garner, Elizabeth ] Garner, Moses ] Garner, Mary ] Gay, William ] Henry Gay, Willis George, David ] ] Gerald, Isaac ] Gerald, John ] Gerald, John Sr. ] Giles, Nathaniel ] Godwin, Edmund ] Godwin, James ] Godwin, Samuel ] Godwin, Thomas ] Godwin, Tobias ] Gower, Casey ] Grantham, Frederick ] Green, John ] Gregory, Priscilla ] Grice, Lewis ] Grinman, John ] Gulley, Mead ] Gulley, Robert ] Gully, George ] Gully, Zilpha ] Gurley, Arthur ] Gurley, Mary ] Gurley, Nathan Guy, William ] Hales, Ivey Hall, William ] Handy, Mathias ] Hardy, John ] Hardy, Major ] Hare, John ] Harison, John ] Harper, Bannister ] Harper, John ] Harper, John Sr. ] Harrell, Sarah ] Hartsfield, Andrew ] Hatcher, Benjamin ] Hatcher, Charles ] Hatcher, John ] Hatcher, William ] Hayes, John ] Hearn, Mason ] Hinnant, Ann ] Hinnant, James ] Hinnant, John Sr. ] Hinnant, Josiah Hinnant, Martha ] Hinnant, Patience ] Hinnant, William ] Hinnant, William Jr. ] Hinnant, William ] Sr. Hinton, Esther Hinton, Hardy ] Hinton, Isaac ] Hinton, John Sr.] Hinton, Malishia ] Hinton, Solomon ] Hinton, William ] Hix, Stephen ] Hobby, Alexander ] Hobby, Reubin ] Hocut, Benjamin ] Hocut, William ] Holloman, Frederick ] Holloman, Josiah ] Hollomon, William ] Holt, Etheldred Sr.] Holt, James ] Houlder, James ] Howell, Elisha ] Hoyles, John Sr. ] Ingram, Barnabas ] Ingram, Shadrack ] Ivey, James ] Sr. Jackson, James ] Jackson, Lewis ] Jernigan, Ann ] Jernigan, Jasper ] Johnson, Abel] Johnson, Allen D.] Johnson, Gill] Johnson, Henry Sr. ] Johnson, Isaac ] Johnson, Sell] Johnson, Thomas ] Johnson, Travis ] Johnson, Willie ] Johnston, Amos ] Johnston, Amos ] (2) Johnston, Esther Johnston, Henry ] Johnston, James ] Johnston, Littleton ] Johnston, Polly ]Jerrot Johnston, Solomon ] Jones, Burrel Jones, Burwell Jones, Elizabeth ] Jones, Isaac Sr. ] Jones, Nathaniel ] Jones, Phillip ] ] Jones, William ] Jones, Willis ] Jordan, Henry ] Jordan, Mathew ] Jordan, Nicholas ] Joyner, John ] Keen, Isaac ] Keen, Sasser ] Kelly, Charles Kelly, James ] Kirby, Absalom Kirby, Abraham ] Kirby, Jesse ] Kirby, Jesse Sr. ] Lancaster, Elijah ] Langley, James ] Langston, Isaac ] Sr. Langston, Joseph ] Langston, Joseph Jr. ] Langston, Westbrook ] Lassiter, Elijah ] Lee, Edward ] Lee, Hugh ] Lee, Jeremiah ] Lee, Lewis ] Lee, Martha ] Lee, Robert ] Lee, Samuel Sr. ] Lee, Stephen ] Lee, William R. ] Leonard, John ] Lockhart, Hannah H.] Lockhart, James ] Lynch, James ] Mackelroy, Arch ] Mainard, George ] Masfern, Sally ] Massengill, Aaron Sr. ] Massengill, Henry ] Massey, William ] McClenney, James ] McCullen, George ] McCullers, John Sr.] McGlawhorn, William ] McKinne, Zilpha ] McLane, Phebe ] McLean, John ] McLeod, John ] Mobley, Alexander ] Monk, John ] Mozingo, Selia ] Musgrave, D. H. ] Nasson, Gilly ] Newsom, John ] Norris, John Sr. ] Norris, Nahor ] Nowell, John ] Odom, Michael ] Odom, Nancy ] Ogburn, John ] Oliver, Asa ] Oliver, Henry ] Oliver, John ] Oliver, Thomas ] O’Neal, Anna ] O’Neal, James ] O’Neal, Kiddy ] O’Neal, Moses ] ] O’Neale, Zacharias ] Parish, Justice ] Parish, Patsy ] Parrish, John ] Parrish, Johnson Parker, Jacob ] Parker, Martha ] Parker, Needham ] Parker, Patience ] Pate, Travis ] Peacock, Laurence ] Peacock, Noah ] Peacock, Samuel ] Pearce, Amelia ] Pearce, Arthur ] Pearce, Clarky ] Pearce, Ephraim ] Pearce, Everett ] Pearce, Jesse ] Pearce, Kezzie L. ] Pearce, Mary ] Pearce, Richard ] Pearce, Sarah ] Pearce, Simon ] Peedin, James Sr. ] Peele, Jesse P. ] Pender, Hardy ] Penny, Caleb ] Penney, Penuel Sr.] Perry, Dempsey ] Perry, Elizabeth ] Perry, Howard L. ] Perry, Reubin ] Perry, Winnifred ] Phillips, John Sr. ] Pipkin, Edith ] Pool, James ] Pool, John ] Pool, Thomas ] Pool, William ] Powers, Edward ] Price, Edward ] Price, Etheldred Price, Thomas ] Pugh, Arnold ] Pugh, Tignal] Raiford, Phillip ] Raiford, Phillip ] Sr. ] Raiford, Sarah ] Reaves, Frederick Recton, John ] Renfrow, Demaris Renfrow, Neel Renfrow, Noel Renfrow, William ] Richardson, John ] Richardson, Jonathan ] Richardson, Joseph ] Richardson, Nancy ] Richardson, William ] Rogers, Daniel ] Runnels, Joice ] Sanders, Alexander ] Sanders, Ellick ] Sanders, John ] Sanders, Mary ] Sanders, Ransom] Sanders, Reubin ]Sasser, Arthur] Sasser, Edith ]Sauls, Phereby ]Scott, G. H.] Shepard, Valentine ] Simmons, John ] Sims, Joseph ] Smith, Anney ] Smith, Benjamin ] Smith, Brittain ] Smith, David ] Smith, Edmond ] Smith, Etheldred ] Smith, John ] Smith, John Sr. ] Smith, John McKinnie ] Smith, Lucinda] Smith, Martha ] Smith, Nancy ] Smith, Nathan ] Smith, Samuel ] Smith, Samuel Sr. ] Smith, William ] Smith, Zilphia] Spencer, John ] Spell, Reddick ] Spivey, Hosea] Stallings, Isaac ] Stansell, Godfrey Sr.] Stansell, John Sr.] Stansell, Jonathan Sr. ] Starling, Adam ] Starling, Hilbert ] Starling, Jesse ] Starling, William Sr. ] Stephens, Charlotte ] Stephenson, James ] Stephenson, John ] Stevens, Alsey ] Stevens, Benjamin ] Stevens, Elizabeth ] Stevens, Jacob ] Stevens, Rebekah ] Stevenson, Solomon Sr. ] Strickland, Benjamin ] Strickland, Davis ] Strickland, Samuel ] Strickland, Uriah ] Talton, Hardy ] Talton, Needham ] Talton, William ] Tarver, Frederic ] Temple, Starling W.] Tharp, Mary ] Tharp, Thomas ] Tharp, Thomas ] Presly ] Thomas, Alexander ] Thomas, Elisha Sr. ] Thomas, John ] Thomas, Mary ] Thompson, William ] Thornton, Eldridge ] Tiner, Jesse ] Tiner, John ] Tipkin, Edith ] Tomlinson, Thomas ] Tucker, William ] Turner David ] Vinson, Rutha ] Waddell, Edward ] Wall, Elizabeth ] Wall, Molly ] Wall, Perry ] Waller, James ] Wall, Jesse Sr. | Walthall, Judith ] Walton, Jonathan ] Ward, Benajah ] Washington, Lansdon ] Watkins, James ] Watson, Amos ] Watson, Jacob ] Watson, James ] Watson, John ] Watson, Josiah Ogden ] Watson, Solomon ] Watson, William ] Watson, Willis ] West, Noel Sr.] West, Robert ] White, Saul ] Whitley, Esther ] Whitley, John Sr. ] Whitley, Needham ] Whitley, William Sr. ] Whitliff, John ] Whittenton, Richard Sr.] Wilder, James ] Wilder, John ] Wilder, Mathew ] Wilkinson, Charles ] Wilkerson, Joshua ] Wilkinson, Nathan ] Wilkinson, R.] Williams, Benjamin ] Williams, Isaac ] Williams, J. ] Williams, John ] Williams, Martha ] Williams, Sarah ] Williams, Thomas ] Williamson, Hardy ] Williamson, Sarah ] Willow, Lucretia ] Wimberly, George ] Wood, Ashley ] Wood, Jesse Sr. ] Woodall, Berry ] Woodall, Jacob Sr. ] Woodall, James ] Woodard, Jethro ] Woodard, Mathew ] Wooten, Jesse ] Yelventon, Shadrick ] Youngblood, Buddy

Names of Families in Johnston County Wills and Estates

Johnston county was formed in 1746 from Craven County; named for Gabriel Johnston, Governor of North Carolina from 1734 to 1752. During the year of 1752 parts of Johnston County, Bladen County, and Granville County were combined to form Orange County. In 1758 the eastern part of Johnston County became Dobbs County and in 1770 parts of Johnston County, Cumberland County, and Orange County were combined to form Wake County. Finally, in 1855 parts of Johnston County, Edgecombe County, Nash County, and Wayne County were combined to form Wilson County.

Genealogy Records available to Members Indexes to Deed Records

  • 1746
  • 1750-1754
  • 1754-1755


  • 1746 Johnstonille

Miscellaneous Johnston County Wills and Estates

  • McElroy, Archibald, LWT, transcript (1760)
  • Price, Edward ]: Last Will and Testament (1789)
  • Whitenton, Richard] – Last Will and Testament (1819)
  • Indexes to Probate Records
  • Abstracts of Wills 1707 to 1760
  • Miscellaneous Records at North Carolina States Archives 1764 to 1930

Battle of Bentonville, a Decisive Union Victory

The Battle of Bentonville was fought from March 19th to 21st, 1865 in Bentonville, North Carolina, near the town of Four Oaks. This crucial battle turned out to be the last battle between the armies of Union Major General William T. Sherman and Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston. As the right wing of the army of Sherman commanded by Major General Oliver O. Howard marched toward Goldsborough, and the left wing under command of Major General H. W. Slocum came upon the army of Johnston in trenches. During the first day of the battle, however, the Confederates routed two of the divisions of the Union army. 

Meanwhile, as General Sherman defended its other positions and sent reinforcements to the battlefield the following day, General Johnston withdrew into a skirmishing maneuver. On the third day, as the skirmishing continued, the division commanded by Major General Joseph A. Mower approached the Confederate rear and attacked, but the Confederates successfully repulsed the attack while Sherman was ordering Mower to rejoin his own troops. That evening, however, General Johnston decided to withdraw from the battlefield, only to surrender to Sherman a month later at Bennett Place and Durham Station. General Robert E. Lee had already surrendered, and this ended the war.

Monuments Help us to Remember

The statue of General Johnston is located on private property along Harper House Road one-quarter mile east of the Bentonville Battlefield Visitor’s center. How many names, places, and dates can you remember from the last five years? How about 10, or 100? When I was growing up, the rule was that we needed to hear something seven times before remembering. School itself was a repetitive experience of reviewing past historical events, people, places, and dates. Archaeologists have dug? up ancient stalags and stones along the Nile as well as in South America which defined the lifestyle, yet written in languages no longer used today. In South America, the writings marked the names of rulers, and dates. Only, it was until after the 1970s that important breakthroughs were made in the translations. It seems as though mankind has always attempted to leave its mark. Not to mention cities, roads and vessels found buried in the seas of the world. Modern machinery and technology are able to detect impressions in the landscape, and shapes and locate ancient settlements. The population today is 7.6 billion people. That is to say, the descendants of Noah and his three sons. Consider how much more of the past has gone undiscovered! Despite our work at preservation, there are always wars, fires, and other events which destroy records. Thus, it would seem that stone monuments are a ready means of preserving details that are soon forgotten. The monuments found while touring parks and other historical sites help to joggle our memory, just as school lessons once did.

Impressions in the Soil

While visiting cemeteries, probably everyone notices the flat impressions in the soil which suggest a burial. Actually, if we observe closely, there are many, many burials without markers or tombstones. It does not take too long in time to lose a grave. For example, slate tombstones which were so popular in past generations, break and fall to the ground. The rains fall and dust flies. After a while, they are buried somewhere in the ground. Perhaps, if we dig around an impression, we will discover another grave. Should this impression be located in a family grave lot or nearby, we are aware that someone is missing. Consider Egyptian burial sites, where thousands of mummies were dug up, used for fire, or taken on a tour around the world and displayed for money. Museums acquire skulls and skeletons. Smithsonian Institute has gobs of them.
Can we find all of our ancestors? Probably not. While modern records only survived to about 1500 A. D., many ancient stalags and monuments have yet to be interpreted. Most US states did not require the filing of marriages at courthouses until about 1900. These records were kept by ministers. Did they file them? No. And when they did, wars and fires destroyed courthouse records. We are lucky to discover the surviving county records prior to the Revolutionary War. And when we get further back, the search of English records involves the interpretation of ecclesiastical records kept for monarchs, written in Latin. Yet, it is incredibly important to search every small detail discovered in wills, estates, deeds, tax digests, marriages, newspapers, etc. in order to assemble the story of our families. In addition, we should research the history of each era and glean all information that surrounded the life of our ancestors. Like wars and the details of those officers who shared battles with our ancestors. We need