
Images of Jones County Wills and Deeds, Volume A, 1779 to 1812

Ahair, John – Andrews, Adam – Andrews, David – Andrews, Peter – Anniet, Peter – Antwine, Andrew – Austin, John – Barnett, William – Barret, Thomas – Benton, Michael – Blackshear, Agnes – Blackshear, Alexander Blackshear, Elisha – Blackshear, James – Blount, Francis – Bogue, Mark – Bogue, Robert – Brock, Joseph – Brockett, Benjamin to Benjamin Williams, Governor – Brown, Edward – Brown, John – Brown, William – Bryan, Frederick – Bryan, Lewis – Bryan, Nathan – Bump, Elizabeth – Bump, Jabez – Burich, James – Burnet, John Sr. – Buseck, Mitchel – Bush, William – Cahoon, John – Chance, Rebecca – Clark, George – Clifton, Ezekiel – Clifton, Sarah – Collins, Benjamin – Colvert, John – Conner, John – Cordeman, Barnard – Cox, Elisha – Cox, Marmaduke – Crutchfield, Ann – Dias, William – Dias, Wilson – Dudley, Abraham Sr. Dudley, Thomas – Dulin, Rice – Dulin, Thomas – Edwards, Simon – Eubanks, Thomas – Fields, Richard – Foy, Jacob – Foy, Thomas – Foy, Thomas (2) – Frank, Wickliff – Frazar, Mary – Frazer, Micajah – Frazar, Urbane – Furr, Thomas – Gilbert, Benjamin J. – Gilbert, Joseph – Gilbert, William D. – Giles, John Sr. – Gillet, Seth – Gooding, Moses – Goodson, Aaron – Granade, Joseph, the elder – Granade, Joseph – Gray, Israel – Gray, Joseph Cox – Gray, William Gilbert – Green, James – Grenade, John – Griffith, Daniel – Grimes, Robert – Gunter, John Sr. – Gunter, Richard – Hale, John – Hamilton, David – Hargett, Peter – Harkins, William – Harris, Zemeriah – Harrison, Daniel – Harrison, James Sr.- Harrison, John – Harrison, William – Harrison, William (2)- Harrison, William I1812) – Hatch, Anthony – Hatch, Edmund – Hatch, Samuel – Hathaway, Isaac – Hawkins, William – Hay, Thomas – Herbert, William – Hewet, Nancy – Higgins, William – Hill, James – Hill, Joseph – Howard, Titus – Huggins, Luke – Ipock, Jacob – Isler, Frederick – Isler, Sarah – Isler, William – Jackson, John – Jarman, Hall – Johnson, Collinson – Johnson, Jacob – Jones, Hardy – Jones, James – Jones, James (2) – Jones, William – Kellam, Mary – King, Mary – King, Samuel – Koonce, Christian – Koonce, Jacob – Koonce, John – Koonce, Michael – Kornegay, Abraham – Kornegy, Daniel – Kornegay, David – Kornegy, John – Kornegay, Littin – Lavender, William – Lavender, William (1802) – Lee, John Burton – Lipsey, Arthur – Lipsey, James – Lipsey, R. – Lipsey, Timothy – Lipsey, William – Littleton, Mary – Littleton, Thomas – Littleton, Thomas (2) – Macky, Isaac – Malding, Henry – Marret, Hezekiah Sr. – May, Charles – McCubbins, Samuel – McDaniel, James – McQuillian, Alexander – Mead, Rachel – Mead, Thomas – Meador, Abraham – Meadors, L. – Melton, James – Messer, Benjamin – Metts, George Sr. – Mew, Philip – Miller, George – Miller, Tobias – Moore, John – Moore, Mathew – Morris, William – Morrison, Daniel – Mundine, John – Mundine, K. W.- Mundine, Sarah – Mundine, Sarah, widow of John – Murdin, Mary Magdalin – Nelms, Jeremiah – Noble, Daniel – Oliver, John – Orme, Robert – Parry, Daniel – Parry, John Sr. – Parry, William – Parry, W. – Pate, William – Pharton, Abraham – Pickrin, Moses – Pickren, Richard – Prescott, Moses – Prescott, Thomas – PRichard, Caleb – PRichard, Jeremiah – Pybas, Henry – Quillian, Daniel – Randal, William – Reschover, Clara R. – Reynolds, James – Reynolds, Penelope – Sanders, Levi – Sanderson, Joseph – Shine, Daniel – Simmons, Amos – Simmons, Emmanuel – Simmons, George – Simmons, John – Skeen, Alexander – Skeen, Sarah – Skein, Betsy – Skein, Isaac – Small, Reuben – Smith, Bazel – Smith, Betsy – Smith, Vincent – Smith, William – Standland, John – Standly, John – Stanton, William – Starkey, Edward – Starkey, Edward (2) – Steel, Peter – Stephens, John – Stevenson, Charles – Taylor, Cornelius – Taylor, Rachel – Ventriss, William – Warren, Joseph – Watson, Jeremiah – Weeks, Archibald – West, Eli – Wharton, Edmond – Whitty, Edward – Williams, Chaplin Williams, James – Williams, Thomas – Williamson, David – Wilson, James – Wood, Gershon – Yeates, David – Yeates, Stephen

Images of Jones County Wills and Estates

Jones county was formed in 1779 from the southwestern part of Craven County. It was named after Willie Jones, a Revolutionary leader and president of the North Carolina Council of Safety. Jones, a plantation and slave owner, was later the state’s chief opponent of ratification of the United States Constitution.

Miscellaneous Wills

  • Granade, John – , LWT, 2-21-1790
  • Granade, Joseph – , LWT, 1800
  • Granade, Joseph – , LWT, 1799

Images of Jones County Wills and Deeds, Volume A, 1813 to 1868

Amyett, Amos – Anders, John – Andrews, Adam Andrews, Francis – Andrews, John – Andrews, Penelope – Ashley, Benjamin – Askew, Zadoc Ball, John – Becton, Frederick Isler – Becton, Susannah – Bender, John – Brinson, H. – Brown, Isaac – Brown, Nancy – Brown, Samuel – Bryan, Wealthy – Burns, James – Burton, William M. – Calvert, John Sr. – Collins, Martha – Conner, Jeremiah – Conner, Michael – Conner, Rachel – Cox, Andrew – Cox, Elana – Cox, John R. – Cox, Levinah Cox, Owen B. – Davis, Enoch – Debrule, Edward C. – Dickson, Daniel – Dillahunt, Alice – Erwin, Shadrack Eubank, John – Eubanks, Lott – Fordham, John – Foreen, Frederick – Foreen, Simon – Foreen, Simon – Foreen, Susan H. – Foreen, John W. – Foy, Enoch – Francks, William H. – Frank, Edward – Frank, Edward S. – Franks, Edward S. – Gilbert, Joseph – Gillet, Thomas – Gooding, Council – Gooding, Frederickl – Gooding, Mary – Gooding, William – Griffin, Oliver – Harget, Peter – Harrison, John – Harrison, Richard – Harrison, William Sr. – Hatch, Edmund B. – Hatch, Joseph – Hawkins, Elizabeth – Hay, Joseph – Hay, Mary – Heath, Amos – Heath, Argent – Heath, John – Heath, Nancy – Holland, Esther – Howard, Israel – Howard, Julia N. – Huggins, James – Isler, John – Isler, Simmons – Isler, William – Jarman, Emanuel – Jarman, John – Jarman, John (1858) – Jarman, John Sr. – Jarman, Rachel – Jarman, William – Jarman, William (2) Johnson, Duncan B. – Jones, Bazzel = Jones, James – Jones, Jonas – Jones, Jonas (1850) – Jones, Kilby – Jones, William – Jones, William – Key, Joseph – Kinsey, John – Kinsey, Joseph – Kinsey, Mary – Knight, Kader – Koonce, Amos – Koonce, Beneter – Koonce, Benjamin – Koonce, Daniel – Koonce, Delphey – Koonce, Lydia – Koonce, Richard – Koonce, Simon E. – Koonce, T. – Koonce, Tobias – Koonce, William – Lane, Levan – Lipsey, Sarah – Loftin, John L. – Lovett, David – Lovett, Elijah – Mallard, Daniel – Mallard, John – Mallard, Kesiah – Mallard, Lawson – Mallard, Shadrack – Market, Elizabeth – Mashburn, James – McDaniel, James – McDaniel, James (2) – McDaniel, John – McDaniel, Risdon = McDaniel, Risdon Sr. – McDaniel, Thomas – McQuilling, Thomas – Meaders, Millington – Meador, Simeon – Miller, Martin – Morris, Sarah – Mumford, Edward – Mundine, Francis – Murphy, Mary – Murphy, Thomas – Murphy, Thomas(2)- Oliver, Joseph – Owens, Charlotte – Penuel, John – Perry, Hannah – Perry, Mary – Perry, Silas – Pollock, Amy- Pollock, John – Pollock, Mary – Pollock, Mary (1858) – Read, William – Rector, John – Rector, Mary – Reynolds, Elizabeth – Reynolds, Richard – Rhem, William – Rhodes, Henry – Richard – s, John Sr. – Robert – s, Richard – Robertson, Melissa T. – Sanders, Moses – Sanderson, Elijah – Scott, John – Shelfer, John – Simmons, Elijah – Simmons, Elizabeth – Simmons, Lemuel H. – Simmons, Mary – Simmons, Needham – Smith, Asa – Spight, Mary – Spight, Simon – Spock, Elizabeth – Stafford, Elisha Standly, John – Stanley, Daniel – Stanly, Nathan – Stanly, Wright – Stephens, Rachel – Stiley, Sarah – Stricklin, Fereba – Strong, John – Taler, Abraham – Taylor, Frederickl – Turnage, James – Twiddy, Joseph – Ward, Morris – Westbrook, Cathern Westbrook, Harman – Westbrook, James – Westbrook, John – Westbrook, John – Whitty, Joseph – Williams, Lewis Williams, Unity – Willson, Benjamin – Wise, Selby H. – Wood, John