
Images of Wills 1824 to 1838

Testators: Adams, Mary | Adams, Samuel | Aker, Charles | Aker, Sally | Alexander, Robert | Anthony, Philip | Arney, Christopher | Asburn, Daniel | Ballard, James | Bandy, Christiana \ Barber, Serah | Beam, David Sr. | Beaty, Francis | Beaty, Thomas | Belick, Jacob | Bell, Jane | Bell, Thomas | Bengel, Henry | Berry, John | Berry, Robert | Berry, William G. | Bird, Prince | Blackwood, Samuel | Boney, Matthew | Boyd, Robert | | Bradly, William | Brevard, Alexander Burner, Samuel | Butler, Polly | Carpenter, Henry | Carpenter, Jacob | Cathey, George | Cathey, John | Chaffey, Joseph M. | Chandler, Timothy | Collins, Samuel | Costner, Jones | Crouse, John | Crouse, Lary | Dameron, Thomas | Davis, John | Deal, Peter | Dellinger, David | Dellinger, John | Dellinger, Joseph | Dellinger, Michael | Denburgh, Philip | Endsley, John | Endlsley, John| (2) | Falls, Elizabeth | Falls, Esther | Falls, George | Falls, John | Falls, Mary | Falls, William | Ferguson, Mary | Fingers, Daniel | Finger, Jones | Fish, William | Fisher, John | Fleming, Archibald | Forney, Peter | Foyl, Margaret | Fry, Jacob | Fry, Philip | Fukewider, John | Gaultney, Mary | Gaultney, Nathan | Gammey, John | Gibbs, William | Gibson, Thomas | Gilliland, Thomas | Gissom, Drury | Gladen, Moses | Glen, John | Glenn, John Jr. | Goodson, Abner | Graham, John | Graham, Joseph | Groves, Samuel | Gullick, Johnathan |Hager, Christopher | Hager, Johnson | Hager, Jonathan | Hallman, Anthony | Harding, Daniel | Hawn, David | Henry , Thomas | Harmon, David | Hefner, John | Henderson, John C. | Henkel, David | Hoke, Henry | Holland, James | Holms, Jacob | Honer, Thomas | Hoover, Daniel | House, Elizabeth | House, Henry | Howell, John |Hoyl, Peter | Huet, Lewis | Huffman, John | Hunter, H. | Irwin, Peter | Jenkins, Hugh | Johnson, Richard | Johnston, Robert | Jones, George | Jugle, Michael | Kale, Balen | Killian, Jacob | King, James | Kiser, Adam | Knox, John | Knox, Robert | Lane, Jacob Sr. | Lee, James | Limfield, David | Linch, Anna | Lingerfelt, John | Linhardt, Varrana | Little, Serah | Little, William | Lockman, John | Loften, James | Long, Jonathan | Lowrance, Isaac | Lynn, John | Martin, Martha | Martin, Susannah | Mason, Thomas | McCason, John | McLean, William | McClung, Nathaniel | McKee, James | McNier, Rachel | Melen, William | Millen, Edward | Miller, John | Miller, John (2) | Mitchell, Mary | Moody, John | Moore, Alexander | Moore, John | Moorman, Samuel | Morrison, William | Morrow, George | Mull, John | Munday, Jeremiah | Neagle, John | Neagle, John (2) | Neil, Adam Sr.| Nilfong, George | Nixon, James | Nixon, Robert | | Noll, John | Oats, John | Oldsager, Hannah | Pierson, John | Potter, William | Powelton, Hiram | Price, William | Ramsay, Robert | Ramsay, William | Ramsour, Henry | Rankin, James | Rankin, Samuel | Ratchford, Mary | Remhardt, Serah | Renely, Andrew | Rhyne, Peter | Rhyne, Thomas | Richardson, Catharine | Roberson, Serah | Robinson, Elizabeth | Ross, Peter | Roupen, John | Rozel, Richard | Rudisell, Michael | Russ, Adam | Rutledge, Sally | Sadler, Henry | Schenck, Henry | Scott, Rosanna Scott, William | Seagle, Adam | Shannon, James | Shelter, Nelson | Sherrill, Aaron | Sherrill, Elisha | Sherrell, Joseph | Sherrill, Moses | Shuford, David | Shuford, Daniel | Sigman, George | Sigman, George | (2) | Smith, Henry | Starr, Jacob | Strong, Daniel | Stroup, Philip | Sullivan, Daniel | Sullivan, James | Summerow, Henry | Sumons, Margaret | Thompson, Charles | Urich, Elizabeth | Van Dyke, Margaret | Vickers, William | Welles, James | Wells, Burwell | West, Barney | West, Robert | Whitener, Daniel | Whitener, Philip | Whiteside, Edward | Wilkerson, John | William |s, Lightfoot | Willson, John | Wilson, Elizabeth | Wilson, Serah | Wilson, Thomas | Wilson, William | Wise, Jacob | Wyke, Joseph | Zimmerman, John

Names of Families in Lincoln County Wills and Estates

Lincoln county was formed in 1779 from the eastern part of Tryon County. During 1782 the southeastern part of Burke County was annexed into Lincoln County. In 1841 parts of Lincoln County and Rutherford County were combined to form Cleveland County. In 1842 the northern third of Lincoln County became Catawba County. In 1846 the southern half of what was left of Lincoln County became Gaston County. Lincolnton pictured.

Lincoln County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Miscellaneous Wills

  • Perkins, Eli 1830 deed
  • Perkins, Eli, deceased, 1838 Estate, Court of Equity
  • Perkins, Ephraim, deceased, Writ of Partition dated 1838
  • Perkins, John deed dated 1790
  • Perkins, Reuben, Article of Agreement dated 1838
  • Perkins, Joseph |, deceased, 1840 Claim

Indexes to Probate Records

  • Index to Lincoln County Wills and Estates 1824 to 1838
  • Index to Lincoln County Wills 1838 to 1856
  • Index to Lincoln County Wills 1856 to 1868

Lincoln County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Wills 1824 to 1838

Testators: Adams, Mary | Adams, Samuel | Aker, Charles | Aker, Sally | Alexander, Robert | Anthony, Philip | Arney, Christopher | Asburn, Daniel | Ballard, James | Bandy, Christiana \ Barber, Serah | Beam, David Sr. | Beaty, Francis | Beaty, Thomas | Belick, Jacob | Bell, Jane | Bell, Thomas | Bengel, Henry | Berry, John | Berry, Robert | Berry, William G. | Bird, Prince | Blackwood, Samuel | Boney, Matthew | Boyd, Robert | | Bradly, William | Brevard, Alexander Burner, Samuel | Butler, Polly | Carpenter, Henry | Carpenter, Jacob | Cathey, George | Cathey, John | Chaffey, Joseph M. | Chandler, Timothy | Collins, Samuel | Costner, Jones | Crouse, John | Crouse, Lary | Dameron, Thomas | Davis, John | Deal, Peter | Dellinger, David | Dellinger, John | Dellinger, Joseph | Dellinger, Michael | Denburgh, Philip | Endsley, John | Endlsley, John| (2) | Falls, Elizabeth | Falls, Esther | Falls, George | Falls, John | Falls, Mary | Falls, William | Ferguson, Mary | Fingers, Daniel | Finger, Jones | Fish, William | Fisher, John | Fleming, Archibald | Forney, Peter | Foyl, Margaret | Fry, Jacob | Fry, Philip | Fukewider, John | Gaultney, Mary | Gaultney, Nathan | Gammey, John | Gibbs, William | Gibson, Thomas | Gilliland, Thomas | Gissom, Drury | Gladen, Moses | Glen, John | Glenn, John Jr. | Goodson, Abner | Graham, John | Graham, Joseph | Groves, Samuel | Gullick, Johnathan |Hager, Christopher | Hager, Johnson | Hager, Jonathan | Hallman, Anthony | Harding, Daniel | Hawn, David | Henry , Thomas | Harmon, David | Hefner, John | Henderson, John C. | Henkel, David | Hoke, Henry | Holland, James | Holms, Jacob | Honer, Thomas | Hoover, Daniel | House, Elizabeth | House, Henry | Howell, John |Hoyl, Peter | Huet, Lewis | Huffman, John | Hunter, H. | Irwin, Peter | Jenkins, Hugh | Johnson, Richard | Johnston, Robert | Jones, George | Jugle, Michael | Kale, Balen | Killian, Jacob | King, James | Kiser, Adam | Knox, John | Knox, Robert | Lane, Jacob Sr. | Lee, James | Limfield, David | Linch, Anna | Lingerfelt, John | Linhardt, Varrana | Little, Serah | Little, William | Lockman, John | Loften, James | Long, Jonathan | Lowrance, Isaac | Lynn, John | Martin, Martha | Martin, Susannah | Mason, Thomas | McCason, John | McLean, William | McClung, Nathaniel | McKee, James | McNier, Rachel | Melen, William | Millen, Edward | Miller, John | Miller, John (2) | Mitchell, Mary | Moody, John | Moore, Alexander | Moore, John | Moorman, Samuel | Morrison, William | Morrow, George | Mull, John | Munday, Jeremiah | Neagle, John | Neagle, John (2) | Neil, Adam Sr.| Nilfong, George | Nixon, James | Nixon, Robert | | Noll, John | Oats, John | Oldsager, Hannah | Pierson, John | Potter, William | Powelton, Hiram | Price, William | Ramsay, Robert | Ramsay, William | Ramsour, Henry | Rankin, James | Rankin, Samuel | Ratchford, Mary | Remhardt, Serah | Renely, Andrew | Rhyne, Peter | Rhyne, Thomas | Richardson, Catharine | Roberson, Serah | Robinson, Elizabeth | Ross, Peter | Roupen, John | Rozel, Richard | Rudisell, Michael | Russ, Adam | Rutledge, Sally | Sadler, Henry | Schenck, Henry | Scott, Rosanna Scott, William | Seagle, Adam | Shannon, James | Shelter, Nelson | Sherrill, Aaron | Sherrill, Elisha | Sherrell, Joseph | Sherrill, Moses | Shuford, David | Shuford, Daniel | Sigman, George | Sigman, George | (2) | Smith, Henry | Starr, Jacob | Strong, Daniel | Stroup, Philip | Sullivan, Daniel | Sullivan, James | Summerow, Henry | Sumons, Margaret | Thompson, Charles | Urich, Elizabeth | Van Dyke, Margaret | Vickers, William | Welles, James | Wells, Burwell | West, Barney | West, Robert | Whitener, Daniel | Whitener, Philip | Whiteside, Edward | Wilkerson, John | William |s, Lightfoot | Willson, John | Wilson, Elizabeth | Wilson, Serah | Wilson, Thomas | Wilson, William | Wise, Jacob | Wyke, Joseph | Zimmerman, John

Images of Lincoln County Wills 1838 to 1843

Testators: Angel, Josiah | Barry, Andrew | Beaty, Isabella | Benton, Robert H.| Boggs, William Sr. | Carpenter, Elizabeth | Carpenter, Jacob | Clark, Alexander | Clay, Joseph | Cline, Michael | Cloninger, Mary | Coons, William | Creasemore, Henry | Crouse, Ann | Crow, Thomas | Davenport, Mary | Deel, Elizabeth | Dickson, John | Doggett, John R. | Espey, Samuel | Falls, Andrew | Gibson, Hugh | Gridon, Sarah | Hager, John Sr. | Harmon, Rachel | Harmon, Richard | Henderson, Lawson | Hendon, Sarah | Henry, James | Hill, Jane | Holds, James Jr. | Huger, Solomon | Huger, William Sr.| Hull, Charles | Ishenhower, George | Kidd, William | Kistler, Susannah | Knoles, David | Lofton, Eldridge | Long, Leonard | Loughman, Peter | Mauney, Peter | McClure, Rachel | Montgomery, Joseph | Moore, Elizabeth | Motz, John | Mull, John | Mull, Mary | Patterson, James | Peeper, James| Pittlemere, David | Proctor, Benjamin | Rabb, Judith | Ramsay, James | Ramsour, David | Ramsour, John Jr.| Rudisell, William |Scott, William A. | Sherrill, Alexander | Sherrill, Enos | Sherrill, Logan | Sigmon, Christopher | Simmons, Peter | Stowe, Abram | Stowe, Lemuel | Thomas, Robert | Tipping, Conrad | Titman, Philip | Ward, Polser | Weathers, Elisha | Weaver, Conrad | Wilfong, John | Williams, Mary | Witherspoon, James

Digital Images of Lincoln County Wills 1843 to 1856

Testators: Abernathy, William | Allen, Elizabeth | Anthony, George| Bailey, William | Bess, Hiram | Black, Ephraim | Brevard, Joseph M. | Brown, Robert | Bussman, Henry | Bysine, Catherine | Cansler, Peter | Carpenter, David | Carpenter, Peter | Coon, George Sr. | Daves, Peter | Dellinger, Peter| Derr, Moses Able | Derr, Rufus Miller | Dews, Thomas| Duffey, John | Dunkin, Absalom | Eaker, Peter | Ferguson, Elizabeth | Fronabarger, David | Glamey, John R.| Graham, James | Graham, John D. | Griggs, Berry | Hallman, Jacob | Hampton, Thomas| Hansell, James | Harrie, Martin | Harrison, Unity | Haup, Peter | Hayes, John | Haynes, James| Henderson, Lawson | Henry, R. F. | Henson, Peter | Hoke, John | Hoke, Richard | Hovis, Solomon | Hoyl, Eli | Hoyle, Eli | Hugerfelt, John | Hull, Anthony S. | Huver, Solomon | Keener, Adam | Kestler, Paul| Lane, Peter| Little, Sherod | Mauney, Catherine | Mauney, Christian| McCullock, James | McLarg, Elizabeth | Morris, Joseph | Nixon, Joshua| Oates, Robert | Philips, Mary | Quickel, Michael | Reef, Susanna | Reep, Peter | Robinson, James A. | Schenck, Michael | Seleche, Margaret | Shurling, Jacob | Spain, Susan | Springs, Adam | Summerour, Michael | Thompson, Ann| Weaver, Henry | Wilson, Samuel | Wingate, James

Images of Lincoln County Wills 1856 to 1868

Testators: Abernathy, Miles | Abernathy, Turner | Alexander, James T.| Benick, Henry | Brient, John | Brotherton, James | Burton, Alfred M. | Butts, John | Carpenter, Amelia | Carpenter, Caleb | Carpenter, Jacob J. | Carpenter, Moses | Childers, George P. | Cline, John | Coulter, John | Craft, David | Crooks, David | Dellinger, Adam | Dellinger, Andrew | Dellinger, Samuel | Derr, Mary | Edwards, Lewis | Glenn, John | Greenhill, Philip | Greenfield, Robert | Hafner, Daniel | Hafner, Levi | Hager, James | Hager, John B. | Hoke, Francis, Mrs. | Hoke, George M. | Hoke, Sarah E. | Holdbrooks, Serena | Hoover, Jacob | House, Henry | Houser, Isaac | Houser, Jacob | Houser, Martha | Houston, Franklin W. | Hull, Benjamin | Hull, Major Ilan, Nicholas | Ingles, Andrew | Keevers, Thomas | Killian, Andrew | Killiam, Jacob | Kincaid, David | Kincaid, James | King, William | Kistler, Henry | Landers, Samuel | Lehmons, Francis J. | Leonhardt, Daniel | Leonhardt, Jacob | Little, L. C. | Lockman, John A. | Luckey, David | Lucky, James | Lutz, Daniel | Lutz, Daniel A. | McCowen, James | McNeely, Robert | Moore, James | Moore, Martha C. | Mullen, Edwin | Nixon, James | Nixon, John | Nixon, John (2) | Quickle, Elizabeth | Ramsour, A. A. | Ramsour, C. H. | Ramsour, General S. D. | Ramsour, Jacob | Ramsour, John | Randleman, Henry | Rhyne, Jonas | Riddick, Richard A.| Robinson, Isaac | Rudisill, Margaret | Saboch, Peter | Schenck, D. W. | Schenck, Elizabeth | Schenck, Michael | Spratt, Hugh | Spratt, Thomas | Summerow, Daniel | Summy, Peter | Thornton, Malinda | Wehunt, Caleb| Williams, John | Williams, Sarah | Williams, Thomas | Williamson, Charles | Wilson, Lafayette | Wingate, Jesse | Wingate, Needham | Wise, John | Wood, Vincent

Spring is the Time for Genealogy Trips!

An enjoyable outing is visiting places where the ancestors once resided. Sure, there are lots of historical mansions in Virginia and Europe used as show-places to visitors, but what I mean is an old home or farm place once occupied by English, Scotch-Irish or German emigrants who ventured to America and left their mark. One can visualize “the mark” by walking the old farm, looking at the well, the barn, and what remains of a rustic two-story home with chimneys and shed rooms. Somewhere in the weeds and among the sprawling oak trees, there may be the remains of a neglected grave, or the rope from an old swing. Treasures, to someone.