
Images of Mecklenburg County Wills 1783 to 1844

Surnames -A- :
Testators: Aaron, Frederick | Adams, Charles | Akinson, David | Alcorn, John | Alexander, Aaron | Alexander, Aaron (2) | Alexander, Abner | Alexander, Abraham | Alexander, Amos | Alexander, Andrew | Alexander, Arthur | Alexander, Catharine | Alexander, Charles | Alexander, Daniel | Alexander, David | Alexander, Dorcas | Alexander, Eli | Alexander, Elias | Alexander, Ezekiel | Alexander, Ezekiel (2) | Alexander, Ezra | Alexander, Ezra (s) | Alexander, Hezekiah | Alexander, James } Alexander, John | Alexander, John M. | Alexander, Josiah | Alexander, Kezia | Alexander, Lavinia | Alexander, Mary | Alexander, Mary (2) | Alexander, Nathaniel | Alexander, athaniel (2) | Alexander, Samuel |Alexander, William | | Alexander, William | (2) | Alexander, Zenos | Algea, Frances | Allen, Agness | Allen, Alexander | Allen, John | Allen, George | Allison, Archibald | Andrews, James | Armstrong, Matthew |

Surnames – B-:
Testators: Baker, George | Baldwin, Joel | Ballard, Jesse | Bane, James | Barker, Hana | Barnett, Hugh | Barnett, Hugh (2) | Barnett, Moses | Barnett, William | Barnett, William (2) | Barnett, William (3) | Barnwell, John | Barnwell, John (2) | Barr, David | Barr, Margaret | Bartee, Andrew | Beatty, Charles | Beaty, Isabella | Beaty, John | Beaty, John (2) | Beaty, John (3) | Beaty, Robert | Beaty, Samuel | Beaty, William | Beck, Thomas | Becket, Samuel | Belch, John | Belk, John | Bell, James | Bennet, Margaret | Berryhill, Elizabeth | Berryhill, John | Berryhill, Joseph | Berryhill, Samuel | Berryhill, Thomas | Best, Bostian | Bevins, John | Biggerstaff, Samuel | Bigham, Andrew | Bigham, John | Bigham, John (2)| Bigham, Robert | Bigham, Samuel | Bigham, William | Black, John | Black, Thomas | Black, William | Black, William (2) | Black, William (3) | Blackstock, William | Blackwood, Thomas | Blythe, Samuel | Bowman, Andrew | Bowman, Margaret | Boyer, James | Boyer, John | Bradford, David | Bradley, James | Brevard, Ephraim | Bridley, Jonas | Brown, Benjamin | Brown, Benjamin (2) | Brown, David | Brown, John | Brown, Patrick | Brown, Robert | Brown, Robert (2) | Brown, Samuel | Brown, Samuel (2) | Brown, William | Buchanan, Robert | Burt, John | Byers, Thomas

Surnames -C- :
Testators: Caldwell, Agness | Caldwell, Charles | Caldwell, David | Caldwell, Roberet Caldwell, William | Camp, Archibald | Campbell, Alexander | Campbell, James | Campbell, Jennet | Campbell, Robert | Canon, John | Canon, Margaret | Carnes, Alexander | Carrigan, Hugh | Carruth, James | Caruthers, Hugh | Carson, John | Carson, John (2) | Caruthers, Sarah | Caryl, Joseph | Caryl, Samuel | Cathcart, John Cathey, Andrew | Cathey, Archibald Cathey, George Cathey, Jane | Cathey, Jane (2) | Cathey, John | Cathey, Mary | Chaney, James | Cheek, Silas | |Christianbery, Nicholas | Clark, Eleanor | Clark, James | Clark, James (2) | Clark, John | Clark, John (2) | Clark, William | Clark, William (2) | Cochran, Thomas | Coker, James | Cole, Thomas | Coleman, P. Conner, Charles | Conner, James | Cook, Charles | Cook, John | Cook, Robert | Cooper, William Sr. | Corran, William | Corum, Robert | Corzine, John | Corzine, Nicholas | Cowan, John Cowan, Will | Cowden, Robert | Cowden, Samuel Cowen, David | Craig, Martha | Craig, Martha (2) | Craig, Moses | Craighead, Alexander Crocket, Archibald | Cry, James | Crye, John | Craig, William | Cullen, John | Cummins, Charles | Cunningham, James | Cunningham, Roger | Curran, Mary Curry, James

Surnames -D- :
Testators: Daniel, Richard | Darnell, Joseph | Darnell, William | Davidson, John | Davidson, John (2) | Davidson, Thomas | Davidson, William | Davis, David | Davis, George | Davis, James | Davis, John | Davis, Robert | Davis, Walter | Davis, William | Delinger, Valentine | Dends, Michael | Denkins, James | Denkins, John | Denkins, John (2) | Denkins, Mary | Doherty, Agness | Doherty, Daniel | Doherty, John | Doherty, John (2) | Donaldson, Arthur | Doster, John | Dow, John | Downs, Henry | Duglass, Margaret | Dunn, Andrew | Dunn, Andrew (2) | Dunn, James | Dunn, Robert | Dunn, William | Dwyre, Darby

Surnames -E- :
Testators:Eacock, Jesse | Edwards, John | Elliott, James | Elliott, Joseph | Elliott, Solomon | Emerson, Ann | Emerson, Harry | Emerson, Susannah | Emerson, William Tabb | Emmerson, Jane Erwin, Edward | Ewert, Robert | Ezell, Frederick

Surnames – F – :
Testators:Faires, James | Farr, Ephraim | Farr, Samuel | Farrior, Henry | Farson, John | Ferguson, Samuel | Ferguson, Thomas | Ferguson, William | Fesperman, Henry | Finley, James | Finney, Eleanor | Finney, John | Fisher, Charles | Fisher, Paul | Flanagan, William Flincken, Martha | Flinn, Nicholas | Foard, Henry Foard, John Foard, Zebulon | Ford, Phillis | Foster, John | Fox, John | Fox, John L. | Franklin, James | Fraser, James | Freeman, Allen | Freeman, David |

Surnames – G – :
Testators: Gabie, Robert | Galbreath, Joseph | Gallant, Daniel | Galloway, Agness | Galloway, James Garmon, George | Garrison, David | Garrison, Sarah | Gelsy, Thomas | Giles, John | Gillespie, Alexander | Gillespie, Joseph | Gillespie, Ruth | Gilmer, John | Gingles, Samuel | Givens, Edward (2) Givens, Edward | Givens, William | Glass, James | Glass, Robert | Goldman, Henry | Goodman, Michael | Gordon, John | Gordon, Mary | Gown, Leonard | Graham, George | Graham, Joseph | Graham, William | Graham, William (2) | Gray, Martha | Gray, Sampson | Gray, William | Gray, William (2) | Green, James Green, John | Green, Thomas | Greer, James | Gren, Margaret | Gren, William | Griffith, Aaron

Surnames – H – :
Testators: Hadden, Frederick | Hagins, William | Hall, Halbert | Hall, Thomas | Hames, George | Hamilton, William | Hanigan, Dennis | Hanna, John | Hargett, Henry | Hargett, Henry (2) | Hargrove, John | Hark, William | Hark, William (2) | Harkey, John | Harkness, George | Harper, Sarah | Harris, Charles | Harris, Eleanor | Harris, Grace | Harris, Hugh | Harris, James | Harris, Margaret | Harris, Robert | Harris, Samuel | Harris, Samuel P. | Harris, Thomas | Harrison, Josiah | Hartgren, Thompson | Hartt, David | Hartt, Dinah | Harvey, John | Harvey, Martha | Hay, Reuben | Hayes, Abram | Hart, David Milton | Hayes, David | Hayes, Martha | Hayes, Robert | Hayglen, John | Haynes, Bartholomew | Hayse, Moses | Hearne, George | Henderson, Archibald | Henderson, Elizabeth | Henderson, John | Henderson, John (2) | Henderson, Mary | Henderson, Mary (2) | Henderson, Robert | Henderson, William | Henderson, William (2) | Henderson, William (3) | Henry, James | Herrin, Elizabeth | Herron, Thomas | Herson, Hugh | Hewell, William | Highath, John George | Hill, Robert | Hinard, Robert | Hipp, Stephen | Hipworth, John | Hodge, Francis | Hood, Tunas | Hood, Tunas (2) | Horn, Elias | Hory, John | House, Mark | Houston, Aaron | Houston, George | Houston, Grace | Houston, Hugh | Houston, James | Houston, James Newell | Houston, John | Houston, John (2) | Houston, Levinus | Hudson, Richard | Hunter, Humphrey | Hunter, John | Hunter, John (2) | Hunter, John Sr. | Hunter, Mary | Hutchinson, George | Hutchinson, John

Mecklenburg County Wills, Estates, Marriages, Military and Church Records

Mecklenburg County was formed in 1762 from the western part of Anson County. For sometime, the county extended into the State of Souch Carolina. Thus, during 1768, most of the region west of the Catawba River) was designated Tryon County, North Carolina. In 1792 the northeastern part of Mecklenburg County became Cabarrus County. Finally, in 1842 the southeastern part of Mecklenburg County was combined with the western part of Anson County to become Union County. Researchers should search Union County census records and county records as well as Mecklenburg.


  • Mecklenburg County Marriage Bonds 1786-1863


  • War of 1812, List of Soldiers
  • Confederate Rosters
  • Capt. Charles Polk Muster, Revolutionary War
  • Revolutionary War Muster of Mecklenburg County Troops
  • Mecklenburg Resolves (Troops)

Church Records

  • Rock Springs Church Cemetery
  • Sugar Creek and Hopewell Churches
  • Hopewell Church Graveyard

Colonial Records

  • 1775 Signers of Declaration of Independence
  • 1777 to 1902 Members of the General Assembly


  • 1789 Map of Mecklenburg

Miscellaneous Wills

  • Polk, Charles, LWT, 1820
  • Rivers, Mary, LWT (1803), transcript
  • Rivers, John, LWT (1779), transcript
  • Swann, Joseph – Last Will and Testament (1829)

The Home of President James K. Polk, 11th President of USA

James K. Polk was born in this home in 1795 and resided here until his family removed to Tennessee eleven years later. This historic house was moved to its present site.

The Ragged Troops at Charlotte

In 1780 when General Greene was appointed to the command of the Southern Department, when he arrived at Charlotte, he found the Southern Army destitute of almost everything, viz: no artillery, baggage or stores. In a letter written to General Lafayette, he wrote:”Were you to arrive now, you would find a few ragged, half-starved troops in the wilderness, destitute of everything necessary for the comfort or convenience of soldiers.” The situation seemed useless, and his only hope of success lay in a number of spirited and devoted officers who gathered around him, and the promise of reinforcements from the states he had passed through during his route. General Greene decided to remove to a place where subsistence and the means of transportation could be obtained, and marched to the Cheraw hills on the Pee Dee. General Morgan was detached to the west of the Catawba to cut off the left wing of the arm of Lord Cornwallis. This movement of General Morgan and his army alarmed the British from their posts. Colonel Tarleton was dispatched with a force to cut off and destroy him, but the victory belonged to the Patriots when the troops under Colonel Tarleton troops met their annihilation at the Cowpens. The news of this victory was a severe blow to Cornwallis. He acted quickly cut off the retreat of General Morgan with his prisoners, and prevent his joining the main army. But in this he was foiled; for, mistaking the route supposed to be taken by his enemy, Morgan was enabled to reach Greene in safety.


  • Ashcraft
  • Blackstock
  • Carmel
  • Darnall
  • Davidson
  • Davidson Family
  • Hebron
  • Miller
  • Naylor
  • New Hope
  • Polk
  • Rice
  • Rocky River Baptist Church
  • Smartt
  • Spratt
  • Webb
  • Youngblood

Surnames – IJ – :
Testators: Irvin, Christopher | Irwin, Lydia | Irwin, William | Jack, Patrick | Jackson, Shadrach | Jemison, Arthur | Jemison, Polly | Jemison, Robert Jemison, Thomas | Jetton, Abram | Jetton, Elizabeth | Jetton, Ezekiel | Jetton, Lewis | John, Mary | Johnston, Andrew D. | Johnston, James | Johnston, Robert Grier | Johnston, Samuel | Johnston, William | Johnston, William (2) | Jones, Patience | Julin, Jacob

Surnames – KL – :
Testators: Kendrick, John | Kennedy, Joseph | Kennedy, Thomas | Kennier, John | Kerr, John | Kerr, Joseph | Kerr, Joseph (2) | Kerr, Mary | Kern, Robert | King, William | Kirkpatrick, Hugh | Kirkpatrick, John | Kirkpatrick, Thomas | Kiser, Peter | Kline, Michael | Knighten, Thomas | Knox, Catharine | Knox, James | Knox, John | Knox, John (2) | Knox, Matthew | Knox, Samuel | Kress, NicholasLawson, Margaret | Leany, George | Lees, Jane | Lemmond, James | Lemmond, John | Lemmond, Robert | Leny, Mary | Lewis, Alexander | Lewis, Thomas Liggett, Michael | Linn, James | Linton, Edward | Lipperd, William | Long, Agness | Long, Catherine | Long, Samuel | Love, William | Lowrie, Samuel | Ludwick, Nicholas | Lusk, John

Surnames – M – N – :
Testators: Manson, David | Manson, William | Martin, Charles | Martin, Eleanor | Martin, James | Martin, James (2) | Martin, John | Mason, Charles | Mason, James | Mason, Richard | Matthews, William | Maxwell, Ann | Maxwell, Robert | Merchant, William | Miller, Abraham | Miller, Andrew | Miller, James | Miller, Philip | Miller, Robert | Millican, William | Mitchell, Henry | Mitchell, Joseph | Moffett, Charles | Moffett, John | Moffet, Robert | Moffitt, David | Moffitt, William | Montgomery, John | Montgomery, John (2) | Montgomery, Robert | Monts, Christian | Moore, David | Moore, David (2) | Moore, Joseph | Moore, Joseph (2) | Moore, Moses | Morgan, Reese | Morris, Hugh | Morris, William | Morrison, Annabella | Morrison, John | Morrison, Mary | Morrison, Neill | Morrison, Robert | Morrow, Elizabeth | Morrow, John | Morrow, Martha | Morrow, Robert | Morton, Robert | Murtland, Robert | | McCafferty, Jeremiah | McCain, Hugh | McCain, Hugh Sr. | McCain, Joseph | McCall, Francis | McCall, James | McCandrick, Patrick | McCleary, Samuel | McClenahan, Robert | McClure, John | McColloh, Elizabeth | McComb, James | McComb, Mary | McCord, James | McCord, John | McCord, Thomas | McCorkel, James | McCorkel, John | McCorkle, Andrew | McCormick, Dennis | McCormick, William | McCree, Andrew | McCree, John | McCree, Robert | McCreem, Rachel | McCreem, Samuel | McCutchins, John | McDowell, Esther | McDowell, John | McDowell, Robert | McDowell, William | McEwen, Hugh | McGill, James | McGouch, Robert | McGuire, James | McHarry, James | McIntire, James | McIntire, John | McIntire, Sarah | McKee, Ambrose | McKee, William | McKibben, Frankey | McKimonan, Daniel | McKinley, Robert | McKnight, James | McKnight, Robert | McMachan, David | McMurry, Sarah | McNeal, Martha | McNeely, John Sr. | McNeely, Rachel | McQuawn, Thomas | McWhorter, Aaron Norris, John

Surnames O – P:
Testators: Pair, John| Parker, Thomas |Parker, Thomas (2) |Parks, David | Parks, George |Parks, Hugh |Parks, John | Parks, John (2) | Parks, Moses |Parton, James |Passer, John |Patterson, Jemima | Patterson, John |Patterson, Margaret |Patton, Charles |Patton, Prudence |Patton, Thomas |Peeples, John Peeples, John (2) | Pellison, William |Pennin, John | Penny, Elizabeth |Perkins, Elizabeth |Perkins, Nancy |Pettus, John D. |Pettus, Violet | Phifer, John |Phifer, Martin |Phillips, Jane |Phillips, Robert | Phillips, William |Pickens, William |Pickens, William (2) | Pitt, Simon Van |Polk, Charles |Polk, John |Polk, Marshall T. | Rorter, Alexander Sr. |Porter, Hugh |Porter, James |Porter, John Sr. |Porter, Ruth |Porter, William |Porter, William (2) |Porter, William Sr. |Posey, Conrad |Potts, Agness |Potts, Elizabeth | Potts, James |Potts, James (2) |Potts, John |Potts, Robert | Potts, William |Preston, James |Price, Elizabeth |Price, Esther | Price, John |Price, John (2) |Price, John (3) |Price, Mary | Price, Reese |Prichard, Daniel | Pringle, James

Surnames Q – R:
Testators:Ramey, William | Ramsey, John | Ramson, John | Ramsour, Henry | Rape, Peter | Rape, Peter (2)| Rape, Peter (3) | Rape, Rezear | Rea, Andrew | Rea, Thomas Sumpter | Redford, John | Reed, John |Reed, Mary |Reel, Augustinus |Reeny, John |Reese, Allen |Reese, David |Reese, Mary |Reid, Hugh | Rhinehardt, Andrew |Rice, Isaac |Richardson, Edward |Ritchie, John | Robinson, David | Robinson, Miles | Robison, Alexander | Robison, Alexander (2) | Robison, Daniel | Robison, Ezekiel | Robison, John | Robison, Mary | Robison, Matthew | Robison, Richard | Robison, Robert | Rodden, Benjamin | Rogers, John | Rogers, John (2) | Rogers, John (3) | Rogers, Joseph| Rogers, Martha | Rogers, Matthew | Ross, Anthony | Ross, George | Ross, James | Ross, Nickelson | Rudasale, Philip | Russell, David | Russell, James | Russell, John | Ryan, Elijah |

Surnames – S – :
Testators:Sale, John|Samle, William |Sassiman, Henry| Sawyer, James |Scott, James |Seaton, Jane |Semison, Samuel | Shaffer, Frederick |Sharpe, Edward |Sharpely, William |Sheifford, George |Shehon, Morris |Shelby, Moses |Short, Abraham |Sibley, Elijah | Sibley, Robert |Simison, James |Simmons, John |Sloan, John |Sloan, Margaret |Sloane, James |Sloan, Robert |Smartt, Elisha |Smartt, Mary |Smiley, Walter |Smith, John |Smith, Joseph |Smith, Matthew |Smith, Samuel |Smith, William | Sower, George | Speem, Kitchen |Spencer, Sarah |Springs, John |Springs, Richard | Springs, Sarah |Sprott, James |Stafford, James |Stark, Moses | Starr, Hannah |Stean, James |Stean, John |Steel, John |Steel, Martin |Steel, Moses |Steel, Samuel |Stewart, Alexander |Stewart, Matthew |Stewart, Robert | Stewart, Thomas | Stinson, Andrew | Stinson, Hugh | Stirk, William | Stitt, William | Summerville, Robert | Swann, John | Swint, William

Surnames – T – :
Testators:Tanner, Joseph |Tanner, Thomas |Taylor, Abraham |Taylor, John |Taylor, John (2) |Taylor, John (3) | Taylor, Mary |Thomas, Benjamin |Thomas, Joseph |Thomas, Rebecca | Thompson, Gideon |Thompson, Jenning |Thompson, John |Thompson, John (2) |Thompson, Sarah |Thompson, Thomas |Todd, John | Todd, John (2) |Todd, Joseph |Todd, William M. |Turner, Abraham

Surnames – U – V – :
Testators:Vance, James L. | Vance, William | Varner, Henry |Varner, James | Varner, John |Varner, Robert | Vinson, William

Surnames – W – Y – :
Testators: Walker, Henry |Walker, Hugh |Walker, James |Walker, James (2) |Walker, John |Walker, Thomas |Wallace, Catharine |Wallace, George |Wallace, John |Wallace, Joseph | Wallace, Matthew |Wallace, William |Wallace, William (2) | Wallis, Alexander |Wallis, Ezekiel | Wallis, James |Waughup, James |Way, James |Weathers, Polly |Weddington, William |Wells, Henry |Weeks, Philip |Wentz, Andrew |West, Martin |White, Robert |Whitesides, David |Whitesides, John |Wier, Thomas |Wilkins, Samuel |Williams, David |Williams, Job |Williams, Micajah | Williamson, Rebecca |Willson, William J. |Wilson, Andrew B. | Wilson, Andrew B. |Wilson, Anne |Wilson, Benjamin |Wilson, Benjamin(2) |Wilson, David |Wilson, James |Wilson, James (2) | Wilson, James (3) |Wilson, Joseph |Wilson, Joseph (2) |Wilson, John |Wilson, John (2) |Wilson, John (3) |Wilson, Margaret | Wilson, Margaret (2) |Wilson, Mrs. |Wilson, Robert |Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Samuel (2) |Wilson, Samuel Jr. |Wilson, Thomas | Wilson, Thomas Sr. |Wishart, Joseph |Wishart, Margaret |Wolf, George |Wolf, Philip |Wood, Matthew |Worsham, John |Wyatt, John | Wylie, John |Wylie, John (2) |Wylie, William |Wyly, James | Wynens, Peter |Yates, Western |Young, James