Images of Mecklenburg County Wills 1783 to 1844
Surnames -A- :
Testators: Aaron, Frederick | Adams, Charles | Akinson, David | Alcorn, John | Alexander, Aaron | Alexander, Aaron (2) | Alexander, Abner | Alexander, Abraham | Alexander, Amos | Alexander, Andrew | Alexander, Arthur | Alexander, Catharine | Alexander, Charles | Alexander, Daniel | Alexander, David | Alexander, Dorcas | Alexander, Eli | Alexander, Elias | Alexander, Ezekiel | Alexander, Ezekiel (2) | Alexander, Ezra | Alexander, Ezra (s) | Alexander, Hezekiah | Alexander, James } Alexander, John | Alexander, John M. | Alexander, Josiah | Alexander, Kezia | Alexander, Lavinia | Alexander, Mary | Alexander, Mary (2) | Alexander, Nathaniel | Alexander, athaniel (2) | Alexander, Samuel |Alexander, William | | Alexander, William | (2) | Alexander, Zenos | Algea, Frances | Allen, Agness | Allen, Alexander | Allen, John | Allen, George | Allison, Archibald | Andrews, James | Armstrong, Matthew |
Surnames – B-:
Testators: Baker, George | Baldwin, Joel | Ballard, Jesse | Bane, James | Barker, Hana | Barnett, Hugh | Barnett, Hugh (2) | Barnett, Moses | Barnett, William | Barnett, William (2) | Barnett, William (3) | Barnwell, John | Barnwell, John (2) | Barr, David | Barr, Margaret | Bartee, Andrew | Beatty, Charles | Beaty, Isabella | Beaty, John | Beaty, John (2) | Beaty, John (3) | Beaty, Robert | Beaty, Samuel | Beaty, William | Beck, Thomas | Becket, Samuel | Belch, John | Belk, John | Bell, James | Bennet, Margaret | Berryhill, Elizabeth | Berryhill, John | Berryhill, Joseph | Berryhill, Samuel | Berryhill, Thomas | Best, Bostian | Bevins, John | Biggerstaff, Samuel | Bigham, Andrew | Bigham, John | Bigham, John (2)| Bigham, Robert | Bigham, Samuel | Bigham, William | Black, John | Black, Thomas | Black, William | Black, William (2) | Black, William (3) | Blackstock, William | Blackwood, Thomas | Blythe, Samuel | Bowman, Andrew | Bowman, Margaret | Boyer, James | Boyer, John | Bradford, David | Bradley, James | Brevard, Ephraim | Bridley, Jonas | Brown, Benjamin | Brown, Benjamin (2) | Brown, David | Brown, John | Brown, Patrick | Brown, Robert | Brown, Robert (2) | Brown, Samuel | Brown, Samuel (2) | Brown, William | Buchanan, Robert | Burt, John | Byers, Thomas
Surnames -C- :
Testators: Caldwell, Agness | Caldwell, Charles | Caldwell, David | Caldwell, Roberet Caldwell, William | Camp, Archibald | Campbell, Alexander | Campbell, James | Campbell, Jennet | Campbell, Robert | Canon, John | Canon, Margaret | Carnes, Alexander | Carrigan, Hugh | Carruth, James | Caruthers, Hugh | Carson, John | Carson, John (2) | Caruthers, Sarah | Caryl, Joseph | Caryl, Samuel | Cathcart, John Cathey, Andrew | Cathey, Archibald Cathey, George Cathey, Jane | Cathey, Jane (2) | Cathey, John | Cathey, Mary | Chaney, James | Cheek, Silas | |Christianbery, Nicholas | Clark, Eleanor | Clark, James | Clark, James (2) | Clark, John | Clark, John (2) | Clark, William | Clark, William (2) | Cochran, Thomas | Coker, James | Cole, Thomas | Coleman, P. Conner, Charles | Conner, James | Cook, Charles | Cook, John | Cook, Robert | Cooper, William Sr. | Corran, William | Corum, Robert | Corzine, John | Corzine, Nicholas | Cowan, John Cowan, Will | Cowden, Robert | Cowden, Samuel Cowen, David | Craig, Martha | Craig, Martha (2) | Craig, Moses | Craighead, Alexander Crocket, Archibald | Cry, James | Crye, John | Craig, William | Cullen, John | Cummins, Charles | Cunningham, James | Cunningham, Roger | Curran, Mary Curry, James
Surnames -D- :
Testators: Daniel, Richard | Darnell, Joseph | Darnell, William | Davidson, John | Davidson, John (2) | Davidson, Thomas | Davidson, William | Davis, David | Davis, George | Davis, James | Davis, John | Davis, Robert | Davis, Walter | Davis, William | Delinger, Valentine | Dends, Michael | Denkins, James | Denkins, John | Denkins, John (2) | Denkins, Mary | Doherty, Agness | Doherty, Daniel | Doherty, John | Doherty, John (2) | Donaldson, Arthur | Doster, John | Dow, John | Downs, Henry | Duglass, Margaret | Dunn, Andrew | Dunn, Andrew (2) | Dunn, James | Dunn, Robert | Dunn, William | Dwyre, Darby
Surnames -E- :
Testators:Eacock, Jesse | Edwards, John | Elliott, James | Elliott, Joseph | Elliott, Solomon | Emerson, Ann | Emerson, Harry | Emerson, Susannah | Emerson, William Tabb | Emmerson, Jane Erwin, Edward | Ewert, Robert | Ezell, Frederick
Surnames – F – :
Testators:Faires, James | Farr, Ephraim | Farr, Samuel | Farrior, Henry | Farson, John | Ferguson, Samuel | Ferguson, Thomas | Ferguson, William | Fesperman, Henry | Finley, James | Finney, Eleanor | Finney, John | Fisher, Charles | Fisher, Paul | Flanagan, William Flincken, Martha | Flinn, Nicholas | Foard, Henry Foard, John Foard, Zebulon | Ford, Phillis | Foster, John | Fox, John | Fox, John L. | Franklin, James | Fraser, James | Freeman, Allen | Freeman, David |
Surnames – G – :
Testators: Gabie, Robert | Galbreath, Joseph | Gallant, Daniel | Galloway, Agness | Galloway, James Garmon, George | Garrison, David | Garrison, Sarah | Gelsy, Thomas | Giles, John | Gillespie, Alexander | Gillespie, Joseph | Gillespie, Ruth | Gilmer, John | Gingles, Samuel | Givens, Edward (2) Givens, Edward | Givens, William | Glass, James | Glass, Robert | Goldman, Henry | Goodman, Michael | Gordon, John | Gordon, Mary | Gown, Leonard | Graham, George | Graham, Joseph | Graham, William | Graham, William (2) | Gray, Martha | Gray, Sampson | Gray, William | Gray, William (2) | Green, James Green, John | Green, Thomas | Greer, James | Gren, Margaret | Gren, William | Griffith, Aaron
Surnames – H – :
Testators: Hadden, Frederick | Hagins, William | Hall, Halbert | Hall, Thomas | Hames, George | Hamilton, William | Hanigan, Dennis | Hanna, John | Hargett, Henry | Hargett, Henry (2) | Hargrove, John | Hark, William | Hark, William (2) | Harkey, John | Harkness, George | Harper, Sarah | Harris, Charles | Harris, Eleanor | Harris, Grace | Harris, Hugh | Harris, James | Harris, Margaret | Harris, Robert | Harris, Samuel | Harris, Samuel P. | Harris, Thomas | Harrison, Josiah | Hartgren, Thompson | Hartt, David | Hartt, Dinah | Harvey, John | Harvey, Martha | Hay, Reuben | Hayes, Abram | Hart, David Milton | Hayes, David | Hayes, Martha | Hayes, Robert | Hayglen, John | Haynes, Bartholomew | Hayse, Moses | Hearne, George | Henderson, Archibald | Henderson, Elizabeth | Henderson, John | Henderson, John (2) | Henderson, Mary | Henderson, Mary (2) | Henderson, Robert | Henderson, William | Henderson, William (2) | Henderson, William (3) | Henry, James | Herrin, Elizabeth | Herron, Thomas | Herson, Hugh | Hewell, William | Highath, John George | Hill, Robert | Hinard, Robert | Hipp, Stephen | Hipworth, John | Hodge, Francis | Hood, Tunas | Hood, Tunas (2) | Horn, Elias | Hory, John | House, Mark | Houston, Aaron | Houston, George | Houston, Grace | Houston, Hugh | Houston, James | Houston, James Newell | Houston, John | Houston, John (2) | Houston, Levinus | Hudson, Richard | Hunter, Humphrey | Hunter, John | Hunter, John (2) | Hunter, John Sr. | Hunter, Mary | Hutchinson, George | Hutchinson, John
Mecklenburg County Wills, Estates, Marriages, Military and Church Records
- Mecklenburg County Marriage Bonds 1786-1863
- War of 1812, List of Soldiers
- Confederate Rosters
- Capt. Charles Polk Muster, Revolutionary War
- Revolutionary War Muster of Mecklenburg County Troops
- Mecklenburg Resolves (Troops)
Church Records
- Rock Springs Church Cemetery
- Sugar Creek and Hopewell Churches
- Hopewell Church Graveyard
Colonial Records
- 1775 Signers of Declaration of Independence
- 1777 to 1902 Members of the General Assembly
- 1789 Map of Mecklenburg
Miscellaneous Wills
- Polk, Charles, LWT, 1820
- Rivers, Mary, LWT (1803), transcript
- Rivers, John, LWT (1779), transcript
- Swann, Joseph – Last Will and Testament (1829)
The Home of President James K. Polk, 11th President of USA

The Ragged Troops at Charlotte
- Ashcraft
- Blackstock
- Carmel
- Darnall
- Davidson
- Davidson Family
- Hebron
- Miller
- Naylor
- New Hope
- Polk
- Rice
- Rocky River Baptist Church
- Smartt
- Spratt
- Webb
- Youngblood
Surnames – IJ – :
Testators: Irvin, Christopher | Irwin, Lydia | Irwin, William | Jack, Patrick | Jackson, Shadrach | Jemison, Arthur | Jemison, Polly | Jemison, Robert Jemison, Thomas | Jetton, Abram | Jetton, Elizabeth | Jetton, Ezekiel | Jetton, Lewis | John, Mary | Johnston, Andrew D. | Johnston, James | Johnston, Robert Grier | Johnston, Samuel | Johnston, William | Johnston, William (2) | Jones, Patience | Julin, Jacob
Surnames – KL – :
Testators: Kendrick, John | Kennedy, Joseph | Kennedy, Thomas | Kennier, John | Kerr, John | Kerr, Joseph | Kerr, Joseph (2) | Kerr, Mary | Kern, Robert | King, William | Kirkpatrick, Hugh | Kirkpatrick, John | Kirkpatrick, Thomas | Kiser, Peter | Kline, Michael | Knighten, Thomas | Knox, Catharine | Knox, James | Knox, John | Knox, John (2) | Knox, Matthew | Knox, Samuel | Kress, NicholasLawson, Margaret | Leany, George | Lees, Jane | Lemmond, James | Lemmond, John | Lemmond, Robert | Leny, Mary | Lewis, Alexander | Lewis, Thomas Liggett, Michael | Linn, James | Linton, Edward | Lipperd, William | Long, Agness | Long, Catherine | Long, Samuel | Love, William | Lowrie, Samuel | Ludwick, Nicholas | Lusk, John
Surnames – M – N – :
Testators: Manson, David | Manson, William | Martin, Charles | Martin, Eleanor | Martin, James | Martin, James (2) | Martin, John | Mason, Charles | Mason, James | Mason, Richard | Matthews, William | Maxwell, Ann | Maxwell, Robert | Merchant, William | Miller, Abraham | Miller, Andrew | Miller, James | Miller, Philip | Miller, Robert | Millican, William | Mitchell, Henry | Mitchell, Joseph | Moffett, Charles | Moffett, John | Moffet, Robert | Moffitt, David | Moffitt, William | Montgomery, John | Montgomery, John (2) | Montgomery, Robert | Monts, Christian | Moore, David | Moore, David (2) | Moore, Joseph | Moore, Joseph (2) | Moore, Moses | Morgan, Reese | Morris, Hugh | Morris, William | Morrison, Annabella | Morrison, John | Morrison, Mary | Morrison, Neill | Morrison, Robert | Morrow, Elizabeth | Morrow, John | Morrow, Martha | Morrow, Robert | Morton, Robert | Murtland, Robert | | McCafferty, Jeremiah | McCain, Hugh | McCain, Hugh Sr. | McCain, Joseph | McCall, Francis | McCall, James | McCandrick, Patrick | McCleary, Samuel | McClenahan, Robert | McClure, John | McColloh, Elizabeth | McComb, James | McComb, Mary | McCord, James | McCord, John | McCord, Thomas | McCorkel, James | McCorkel, John | McCorkle, Andrew | McCormick, Dennis | McCormick, William | McCree, Andrew | McCree, John | McCree, Robert | McCreem, Rachel | McCreem, Samuel | McCutchins, John | McDowell, Esther | McDowell, John | McDowell, Robert | McDowell, William | McEwen, Hugh | McGill, James | McGouch, Robert | McGuire, James | McHarry, James | McIntire, James | McIntire, John | McIntire, Sarah | McKee, Ambrose | McKee, William | McKibben, Frankey | McKimonan, Daniel | McKinley, Robert | McKnight, James | McKnight, Robert | McMachan, David | McMurry, Sarah | McNeal, Martha | McNeely, John Sr. | McNeely, Rachel | McQuawn, Thomas | McWhorter, Aaron Norris, John
Surnames O – P:
Testators: Pair, John| Parker, Thomas |Parker, Thomas (2) |Parks, David | Parks, George |Parks, Hugh |Parks, John | Parks, John (2) | Parks, Moses |Parton, James |Passer, John |Patterson, Jemima | Patterson, John |Patterson, Margaret |Patton, Charles |Patton, Prudence |Patton, Thomas |Peeples, John Peeples, John (2) | Pellison, William |Pennin, John | Penny, Elizabeth |Perkins, Elizabeth |Perkins, Nancy |Pettus, John D. |Pettus, Violet | Phifer, John |Phifer, Martin |Phillips, Jane |Phillips, Robert | Phillips, William |Pickens, William |Pickens, William (2) | Pitt, Simon Van |Polk, Charles |Polk, John |Polk, Marshall T. | Rorter, Alexander Sr. |Porter, Hugh |Porter, James |Porter, John Sr. |Porter, Ruth |Porter, William |Porter, William (2) |Porter, William Sr. |Posey, Conrad |Potts, Agness |Potts, Elizabeth | Potts, James |Potts, James (2) |Potts, John |Potts, Robert | Potts, William |Preston, James |Price, Elizabeth |Price, Esther | Price, John |Price, John (2) |Price, John (3) |Price, Mary | Price, Reese |Prichard, Daniel | Pringle, James
Surnames Q – R:
Testators:Ramey, William | Ramsey, John | Ramson, John | Ramsour, Henry | Rape, Peter | Rape, Peter (2)| Rape, Peter (3) | Rape, Rezear | Rea, Andrew | Rea, Thomas Sumpter | Redford, John | Reed, John |Reed, Mary |Reel, Augustinus |Reeny, John |Reese, Allen |Reese, David |Reese, Mary |Reid, Hugh | Rhinehardt, Andrew |Rice, Isaac |Richardson, Edward |Ritchie, John | Robinson, David | Robinson, Miles | Robison, Alexander | Robison, Alexander (2) | Robison, Daniel | Robison, Ezekiel | Robison, John | Robison, Mary | Robison, Matthew | Robison, Richard | Robison, Robert | Rodden, Benjamin | Rogers, John | Rogers, John (2) | Rogers, John (3) | Rogers, Joseph| Rogers, Martha | Rogers, Matthew | Ross, Anthony | Ross, George | Ross, James | Ross, Nickelson | Rudasale, Philip | Russell, David | Russell, James | Russell, John | Ryan, Elijah |
Surnames – S – :
Testators:Sale, John|Samle, William |Sassiman, Henry| Sawyer, James |Scott, James |Seaton, Jane |Semison, Samuel | Shaffer, Frederick |Sharpe, Edward |Sharpely, William |Sheifford, George |Shehon, Morris |Shelby, Moses |Short, Abraham |Sibley, Elijah | Sibley, Robert |Simison, James |Simmons, John |Sloan, John |Sloan, Margaret |Sloane, James |Sloan, Robert |Smartt, Elisha |Smartt, Mary |Smiley, Walter |Smith, John |Smith, Joseph |Smith, Matthew |Smith, Samuel |Smith, William | Sower, George | Speem, Kitchen |Spencer, Sarah |Springs, John |Springs, Richard | Springs, Sarah |Sprott, James |Stafford, James |Stark, Moses | Starr, Hannah |Stean, James |Stean, John |Steel, John |Steel, Martin |Steel, Moses |Steel, Samuel |Stewart, Alexander |Stewart, Matthew |Stewart, Robert | Stewart, Thomas | Stinson, Andrew | Stinson, Hugh | Stirk, William | Stitt, William | Summerville, Robert | Swann, John | Swint, William
Surnames – T – :
Testators:Tanner, Joseph |Tanner, Thomas |Taylor, Abraham |Taylor, John |Taylor, John (2) |Taylor, John (3) | Taylor, Mary |Thomas, Benjamin |Thomas, Joseph |Thomas, Rebecca | Thompson, Gideon |Thompson, Jenning |Thompson, John |Thompson, John (2) |Thompson, Sarah |Thompson, Thomas |Todd, John | Todd, John (2) |Todd, Joseph |Todd, William M. |Turner, Abraham
Surnames – U – V – :
Testators:Vance, James L. | Vance, William | Varner, Henry |Varner, James | Varner, John |Varner, Robert | Vinson, William
Surnames – W – Y – :
Testators: Walker, Henry |Walker, Hugh |Walker, James |Walker, James (2) |Walker, John |Walker, Thomas |Wallace, Catharine |Wallace, George |Wallace, John |Wallace, Joseph | Wallace, Matthew |Wallace, William |Wallace, William (2) | Wallis, Alexander |Wallis, Ezekiel | Wallis, James |Waughup, James |Way, James |Weathers, Polly |Weddington, William |Wells, Henry |Weeks, Philip |Wentz, Andrew |West, Martin |White, Robert |Whitesides, David |Whitesides, John |Wier, Thomas |Wilkins, Samuel |Williams, David |Williams, Job |Williams, Micajah | Williamson, Rebecca |Willson, William J. |Wilson, Andrew B. | Wilson, Andrew B. |Wilson, Anne |Wilson, Benjamin |Wilson, Benjamin(2) |Wilson, David |Wilson, James |Wilson, James (2) | Wilson, James (3) |Wilson, Joseph |Wilson, Joseph (2) |Wilson, John |Wilson, John (2) |Wilson, John (3) |Wilson, Margaret | Wilson, Margaret (2) |Wilson, Mrs. |Wilson, Robert |Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Samuel (2) |Wilson, Samuel Jr. |Wilson, Thomas | Wilson, Thomas Sr. |Wishart, Joseph |Wishart, Margaret |Wolf, George |Wolf, Philip |Wood, Matthew |Worsham, John |Wyatt, John | Wylie, John |Wylie, John (2) |Wylie, William |Wyly, James | Wynens, Peter |Yates, Western |Young, James