
Images of Onslow County Wills 1790 to 1836 from the Court of Common Pleas

Adamson, George H. – Ambrose, Daniel – Ashford, Butler Askew, Nathan – Askew, Sally – Averett, Jenkin – Averett, Parmela – Averett, Richardl – Barrow, Abraham – Basden, Cordil – Baisden, Jess – Ball, Moses – Barber, John – Barber, Mitchell – Barber, Thomas – Barbour, Nancey – Barefield, Moses – Barrow, Zachariah – Battle, Abner – Bender, Brice = Breec, Cornelius – Brinson, Elizabeth – Brinson, John – Bryant, Benjamin – Burk, Sarah — Burns, Francis – Cahoon, Daniel – Cahoon, Mary – Capps, Thomas – Cary, John – Cary, Shadrack Cary, Thomas – Coston, Thomas – Cox, Josiah – Craft, Isaac Charles – Davenport, Isaac – Davis, Jeremiah – Davis, Mark – Dixon, Jonathan – Dosson, Robert — Dudley, Edward – Dudley, Thomas – Dulany, Thomas – Eagerton, Janes – Ennett, Caty – Erexson, JoNathan – Eslick, Frances – Eubanks, Thomas – Farnel, Benjamin – Farnell, Dexter – Ferrand, William – Fields, Jacob – Fields, James – Fields, Moses – Fields, Rebekah – Fisher, John – Foster, William – Foy, James Sr. – French, W. – Gibson, John – Gibson, Thomas – Gibson, William – Giddens, Abraham – Gillespie, Archibald – Gipson, John – Glenn, Thomas – Goodwin, Drury – Grant, Reuben – Gurgamus, Jesse Sr. – Gurgamus, Mosley – Gurgamus, Zachariah – Guthery, Charles – Hadnot, Seth – Hammond, John – Hammond, Martin – Hancock, Zebedee – Hansley, John – Harrel, Wilson – Haskins, Ezekiel – Hawkins, Obediah – Hazard, George — Henderson, Barnabas – Henderson, Barnabas Jr. – Hibbs, Jonathan – Hill, William – Hinson, F. George — Hobbs, Simon Sr. — Hobbs, Simon – Hopkins, Penelope – Horn, Henry — Huffman, Christopher – Huggins, Jacob – Huit, John Jr. – Jarman, Benjamin – Jarman, Lawrence Jarrot, Isaac — Jarrott, Isaac — Jarrott, John – Jenkins, Daniel – Jenkins, Daniel (2)- Jinkins, Benjamin – Jinkins, Daniel – Jinkins, Sarah — Johnson, Thomas – Jones, Hezekiah — Jones, John – Jones, Redding – Ketchum, JoNathan – King, John – Koonce, Abraham — Koonce, Daniel – Landing, Stephen – Landen, Asa – Lane, James — Lillibridge, Joseph – Lipsey, Isaac — Littleton, Ivy – Littleton, Thomas – Loomis, Nathaniel – Loyd, Joseph — Marshall, Joseph — Mashborne, Joseph — Mason, John – Mason, Margaret – Marshburn, Henry — Marshburn, Tamar – Mattocks, John – Marshburn, James — McKenny, Elizabeth – Melton, Benjamin – Melton, Edward – Melton, Thomas – Melvin, Robert — Mills, Nancy — Mitchell, Clarissa – Mitchell, G. – Mitchell, George — Mitchell, Nancy – Montfort, Edward – Moore, Charley – Morton, Joseph — Mumford, John – Murray, JoNathan – Murrill, John – Norman, John – Norman, William – Oldfield, Pitts – Oliver, Benjamin – Padrick, Abigail – Parker, David — Parrey, Anne – Perry, Benjamin – Peteway, Robert — Pettaway, John – Pierson, John – Pitts, Mary — Pitts, Rigdon – Pitts, Thomas – Pollock, Elijah – Pollock, Hannah – Pollock, William – Provo, Benjamin – Real, Mary — Redd, William – Rhodes, Woodhouse – Roberts, Elisha – Roberts, Houston – Rowe, Gains – Rowe, Harriet – Russell, Liston – Russell, Thomas – Sanders, Isaac — Scott, William – Segler, Aaron – Scott, David — Shackelford, George — Shackelford, Willoughby – Shepard, George — Shepard, John – Shepard, John(2) – Simmons, Everett – Simmons, Joseph — Shepard, Benjamin – Shepard, Smith – Smith, Caleb – Smith, William – Snead, Robert — Spicer, John – Starkey, Peter — Stevens, Richard – Strange, Ruth Taner, Benjamin – Taylor, Moses – Thigpen, Joshua – Thomas, Elizabeth – Thompson, Enoch – Thompson, Hugh – Thompson, Nancy — Thompson, Tabitha Waldon, William – Walton, James — Walton, Thomas – Ward, David — Ward, Edward – Ward, Edward Sr. — Ward, Maria – Ward, Richard – Ward, Solomon — Waters, John – Watkins, John – Watkins, Lelia – Watson, Catharine – Whitehurst, Thomas – Wilder, Joel – Wiley, William – Williams, Daniel – Williams, Hill – Williams, Jesse – Williams, Lemuel – Williams, Selah – Wilson, Thomas – Wise, Thomas – Yeates, Benjamin – Young, Edward – Yopp, John – Yopp, Winneford

Onslow County Wills and Estates

The first setters to his area were Europeans and English about 1713 when their original settlements were in what was originally part of the colonial precincts of Carteret and New Hanover. Onslow County was formed in 1734 and was named for the Honorable Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the British House of Commons. After a hurrican in 1752, the county courthouse was relocated from Town Point to Wantland Ferry; this settlement was eventually incorporated in 1842 and named Jacksonville after President Andrew Jackson.


  • Abstracts of Onslow County Wills 1740 to 1760

Onslow County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Images of Onslow County Wills 1827 to 1837 filed in the Court of Common Pleas

Adam, Philip – Aiken, Sally – Ambrose, Sarah – Bell, Thomas A. – Belladicks, William – Berryman, Benjamin – Burnass, Eben – Cahoon, Mary – Canady, Uriah – Carter, Ligley – Chadwick, James – Chambers, Francis – Cox, Eli – Craig, Thadeus – Dixon, Burrell – Dosson, Robert – Dudley, Christopher – Evans, John – Evans, Samuel – Farnell, John – Fisher, William – Floyd, James — Gernto, John – Golden, Jacob – Guthrey, Charles – Hadrick, Seth – Hardison, John – Haskins, Benjamin – Harkins, Ekekiel Hobbs, Edward – Humphrey, Mary — Huntington, Susannah – Jones, Hezekiah — King, Micajah – Koonce, Abraham — Lester, Banister – Littleton, Zachariah – Lovel, John – Mashburn, Thomas – Matticks, John – Melvin, Solomon — Mills, James — Mitchell, William – Nash, George — Newton, Daniel – Nixon, Daniel – Pinson, John – Pitts, Richardl – Redd, William – Rhodes, Elizabeth – Rhodes, Woodhouse Rogers, Daniel – Russell, Obiah – Sanderlin, Jesse – Scott, Obediah – Simmons, Elijah – Taylor, Nehemiah – Thompson, John – Waites, George — Ward, David — Webb, William – Wilder, Joel – Williams, H.

Does the Earliest Deed Record Represent the Date of Arrival into the County?

It should, however, because county records are often incomplete due to natural disasters or war, it may not. The place where that person resided at the time is listed at the heading of the record and should be the next stop in clues. The county records should be exhausted for everyone with the same surname. You will like yourself better if you perform this task, because later on, as the lineage chart expands, the additional information will come into play.

Are Genealogists Good Readers?

Nowadays scanning with our eyes is the trend. It is probably the new technology which prompts a faster method of absorbing data. However, genealogy is an intricately involved pursuit which requires proper focus and concentration. We can scan over the records if we choose, however, there is a good chance of missing some important details. Like the names of communities or small towns, witnesses, dates of probate, who kept the roads, served as jurors or in the militia, tax defaulters, letters left at the post office, and so on. It is just words, after all, yet those words had specific meanings during the life times of our ancestors and will help provide a proper basis for our conclusions.