Genealogy Records Available to Members
- Images of Wills 1787-1847
- Images of Wills 1847-1869
- 1790 Census Records
- List of Miscellaneous Records at North Carolina State Archives 1817 to 1939
This Generation Fails in Cursive Writing

There is one thing for certain, unless we learn the colonial script (and some latin phrases also) we will not trace very far back in time. A good many books have been written abstracting old records. Such books are an excellent guide-line to our acquiring the actual document and reading it for ourselves. The clerk was no angel. He sat in his office copying from the original will, estate, deed, marriage, etc., misspellings, errors and all. It is rather common to note that the surname in the first line of a last will and testament is spelled one way, and the signature differently. What is the correct spelling? Thus, it behooves the genealogist to read all of the documents with the same surname, and make comparisons. Another issue with the clerk is the fact that he sometimes omitted the names of an heir which was usually a skipped sentence. This is why we need to read every smidget of the old records. The only way to avoid further error, is to locate the actual documents, read them, and double-check the references given by others. It only takes one error to veer off the mark and get into the wrong generation! Use this chart
Names of Families in Robeson County Genealogy Records