
Rowan County Wills and other Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers

Miscellaneous Wills

  • Reid, Alexander, LWT (1775)
  • Reid, Samuel, LWT (1784)

Images of Wills and Estates, Book A, 1762 to 1780

Aiken, James | Andrews, David | Archbald, William | Baker, Absalom | Baker, Samuel | Ballie, Johnl | Barr, William | Bartholomew, William | Bates, Daniel | Beck, Jacob Sr. | Beesle, Paul | Boonacker, Michael | Bowden, Benjamin | Brandon, George | Brittain, Joseph | Broninger, Adam | Broom, Elizabeth | Brown, James | Brown, William | Bruner, Henry | Bryan, Morgan | Buis, William | Carmichael, John | Carson, James | Carson, William | Carter, James | Cathey, James | Cathey, John | Cathey, Maximillian | Clements, John | Cochran, Samuel | Cochran, Sarah | Coles, William Temple | Coon, Michel | Cowder, John | Cox, Moses | Cressonell, Isaac | Cuistion, James | Cunningham, John | Carruth, Walter | Curry, Nathaniel | Davison, George | Davies, James | Davis, John | Demmitt, James | Denny, William | Dicks, Nathan | Dorsey, Endyman | Edwards, Hamuel | Erwin, James | Esleven, William | Feafer, Nicholas Finey, Janet | Flemon, Peter | Forbis, George | Forgery, Samuel | Foy, Mark | Frey, Peter | Garrett, John | Gibson, Alexander | Gibson, Hugh | Goss, Joseph | Gitchey, John | Hall, John | Hallum, John Sr. | Hamton, David | Harford, Nicholas Henry, Thomas | Hill, David | Hincline, John | Hinkle, Peter | Holmes, John | Houston, Davis | Humphreys, Johannah | Hunt, Thomas | Hunter, Agnes | Husley, Joachim | Jamieson, James | Johnson, Robert | Johnston, Thomas | Jones, Samuel | King, Peter | Knox, Jeane | Laird, Nathaniel | Lambe, Henry | Lambly, George | Lawson, Hugh | Linkens, Jacob | Littel, John | Little, Daniel | Lott, Henry | Lovewater, Josef | Lowrance, Peter | Lowrence, Peter (1768)| Luckie, Robert | Lusk, Samuel | Mabry, George | McCleland, Nicholas | McClellen, William | McConnel,, Andrew | McCullock, James | McCollum, John | McCuiston, Robert | McDonald, George | McDowell, Joseph | McGuire, John | McHenry, Henry | McKnight, William | McKoun, John | McMahan, John | McMicklin, Andrew | McNeeley, Isaac | McNeley, David | McNully, Adam | McPherson, William | McRiters, John | Meaden, Andrew | Milakin, Joseph | Miligan, Robert | Miller, Samuel | Mills, Hur | Mills, John | Mordah, James | Morgan, William Sr. | Morrison, Andrew | Morrison, Archibald | Morrison, William Sr. | Murray, Mary | Myers, Michael | Nelson, Samuel | Newberry, Alexander | Newfang, Martin | Newman, Mary | Nisbet, John | Orton, James | Osborn, Alexander | Osburn, William | Page, Humphrey | Passinger, John | Pidgeon, William | Porter, William | Rankin, George | Reed, Alexander | Reese, Jacob | Robey, Eleanor | Robison, William | Roby, Thomas | Roderick, David | Rosebrough, John | Rosebrough, Samuel | Rosebrough, Samuel (1775)| Rutledge, John | Schon, Johannes Scott, John | Sherrill, Adam | Shinn, Samuel | Simonton, Mary Simonton, Theophilus Smith, Andrew Smith, James | Smith, Michael Smith, Peter | Snap, Larence | Snoddy, John | Steel, William | Stewart, Samuel | Stilwell, Thomas | Stogner, John Barnet | Storey, James | Thomas, Ann | Thomson, John | Thompson, John | Todd, Thomas | Wilson, Moses | Wilson, Thomas | Winfly, Benjamin | Withers, Michael | Woods, Matthew | Woods, Oliver | Woods, Robert | Woods, Samuel | Work, Alexander | Young, Alexander

Images of Wills and Estates, Book B, 1781 to 1791

Adams, Matthew | Allison, Thomas | Armstrong, Margaret | Bayley, Samuel | Beam, Michael | Beard, David | Bell, Robert | Betty, John | Brandon, James | Brandon, Thomas | Brice, John | Bryan, William | Bullinger, Henry | Butner, Thomas | Campbell, Daniel | Cooper, Samuel | Cowan, William | Cox, Israel | Davidson, William | Davis, David | Douglas, James | Durfey, Patrick | Ellen, Jacob | Elliott, William | Enochs, David | Foster, Thomas | Glasscock, Gregory | Graham, Hugh | Graham, James | Graham, John | Graham, Richard | Green, John | Hall, Thomas | Harvey, Andrew | Harvey, Robert | Hillhouse, Samuel | Holand, Stephen | Houston, Mary | Hunt, Jonathan | Irwin, George | Johnston, Robert | King, Richard | King, Peter | Lawrence, John | Lawrence, Joseph | Leonard, Valentine | McCaferty, John | McConnel, John | McHacken, John | McHenry, Elinor | McClaughlen, James | McCollum, Elizabeth | Miller, Andrew | Miller, John | Moore, Michael | Moore, Robert | Morrison, Mary | Morrison, Seamus | Myers, Mary | Oliphant, John | Overton, Jeremiah | Owen, John | Pain, John | Park, Nathan | Parker, George | Paten, Ellener | Perks, Margaret | Pinkton, Richard | Poston, John | Poulap, William | Reed, George | Rhodes, Jacob | Robinson, Benjamin | Salt, Anthony | Satta, Robert | Sharpe, Walter | Shofe, Henery | Sixston, Mary | Smith, Casper | Steel, Elizabeth Steel, Robert | Stokes, Elizabeth | Strange, John | Swink, Michael | Tate, Robert | Thomas, Jacob | Trentham, Martin | Verble, Daniel | Warlow, Peter | White, James | Williams, William | Wilson, Richard | Wilson, Samuel | Wiseman, Mary | Wood, John

Squire Boone

quire Maugridge Boone died Jan 1777, buried in Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina (formerly Rowan County). He came to America in 1713 when eighteen years of age, having been sent along with two siblings to America by tgheir father, George Boone of the town of Bradninch near Exeter, England. Squire Boone is a name frequently used in the Boone families. They originally settled north of Philadelphia and were members of the Society of Friends. Another Squire Boone was found in the western portion of Virginia (Botetourt County) in the middle 1700s.
This Squire Boone served in the militia and answered the call of Governor Dunsmore against the fierce Shawnee Chief, Cornstalk. Although all of the militia for the Colony had been called out, only two companies in Botetourt County answered the call. Chief Cornstalk awaited them at the falls of the Ohio River. A fierce battle was fought and many lives (on both sides) were lost. Although Cornstalk signed a Treaty afterward, he did not keep his word. This was about the that a cousin, Daniel Boone, was scouting through the mounts of western Virginia and Kentucky.

Colonel Alexander Osborn

Alexander Osborn was born in New Jersey in 1709 and emigrated to the western part of Rowan county (now Iredell) in about 1755. He was a Colonel in the Colonial government, and as such marched with a regiment of Rowan troops to Hillsboro in 1768 to assist Governor Tryon in suppressing the ” Regulation” movement. He was married to Agnes McWhorter, a sister of Dr. Alexander McWhorter, president of Queens Museum College in Charlotte. His residence (called Belmont) was one of the earliest worshiping places of the Presbyterians of Rowan county before the present ” Center Church” was erected, and became by compromise the central meeting-house of worship for a large extent of the surrounding country. In the graveyard of Center Church, on a double headstone, are the following records:
” Here lies the body of Colonel Alexander Osborn, who deceased July y’e 11th, 1776, aged 67 years;” and, separated by a dividing upright line, this record appears:

” Here lies the body of Agnes Osborn, who deceased July the 9th, 1776.”

The son, Adlai Osborn, graduated from Princeton College in 1768. He was Clerk of the Court for Rowan county under the Royal government and continued in that office until 1809. He was a man of fine literary attainments, a warm friend of education, and one of the first Trustees of the State University. He died in 1815, leaving a large family, among whom was Spruce McCay Osborn, who graduated at Chapel Hill in 1806; studied medicine entered the army as a surgeon, and was killed at the massacre of Fort Mimms in the war of 1812; and Edwin Jay Osborn, who was distinguished as a lawyer of eloquence and learning and was the father of the late Judge James W. Osborn, of Charlotte, one of Mecklenburg’s most worthy, gifted and lamented sons.

Colonel Alexander Osborn

The first Europeans to enter what is now Rowan County came with the Spanish expedition of Juan Pardo in 1567. They established a fort and a mission in the native village of Guatari, believed to be located near the Yadkin River and inhabited by the Wateree. At the time, the area was ruled by a female chief the Spaniards called Guatari Mico. Rockingham County was formed in 1753 from the northern part of Anson County. It was named for Matthew Rowan, acting governor of North Carolina from 1753 to 1754.During 1770 the eastern part of it was combined with the western part of Orange County to become Guilford County, North Carolina. In 1771 the northeastern part of what remained of Rowan County became Surry County. In 1777 the western part of Rowan County became Burke County. In 1788 the western part of the now much smaller Rowan County became Iredell County. In 1822 the eastern part of the still shrinking county became Davidson County. Finally, in 1836 the part of Rowan County north of the South Yadkin River became Davie County. Many of the Rowan County records, wills, estates, etc. are intact. It is usually researched in conjunction with Surry, Burke and Iredell Counties. Some of the earliest settlers were: Henry Aginder, Erasmus Allen, Thomas Braly, William Barr, Daniel Bates, Henry Bruner, William Bartholomew, Michael Cove, Alex Carruth, Nathan Dicks, Hannel Edwards, George Erwin, Peter Fox, Stephen Glandon, John Holmes, Robert Johnson, Peter King, Peter Lawrence, Andrew Maden, Joshua Nichols, William Ogburn, William Porter, David Rothera, and John Thompson.

Images of Wills and Estates, Book C, 1792 to 1803

Adams, Selse | Adkison, James | Agendar, Henry | Albertson, Josiah | Allen, Erasmus | Allen, John | Allison, Andrew | Andrew, John |Armstrong, Abel | Armstrong, William | Arnhart, John | Atwood, John | Barkley, Robert | Barkley, Samuel | Barr, James | Barr, John | Billing, Juliana | Bird, Thomas | Boner, William | Brandon, Richard | Brown, Andrew | Bruner, Henry | Bueler, Michael | Bumblesom, Christian | Butner, Jemima | Call, William | Carson, James | Carrith, Alexander | Casper, Peter | Clayton, George | Clever, Jacob | Clifford, Michael | Cobe, Yost | Cooper, Nicholas | Covey, Noble | Cowden, Benjamin | Crage, Crozier | Daniel, Peter | Dobbin, James | Easton, George | Eaton, John | Egender, Henry | Ehrenhardt, Phillip | Eller, Christian | Ellis, Evan | Ellis, Stephen | Elrod, Christopher | Enochs, Enoch | Erenhart, Henry | Erwin, Agnes | Erwin, Christopher | Ester, Michael | Fleming, George | Fox, Thomas | Gaither, Benjamin | Glascock, Peter | Graham, Agnes | Hammonds, Peter Sr. | Harding, Robert | Hartman, George | Hazlett, John | Henderson, John | Houston, James | Howard, John | Hughey, Henry | Hughey, Jacob | Hughes, Timothy Idol, Barny | Inglish, Alexander | Jacks, Richard | Jacob, Jeremiah | Jelton, Abraham | Jenkins, Hugh | Job, Samuel | Johnston, John | Johnston, Thomas | Johnston, William | Jones, Solomon | Kane, Peter | Karn, John | Keller, John | Kern, Leonard | Kerr, David | Kerr, Mary | Kilpatrick, John | Kindar, Casper | Kinder, George | King, John | Lawrence, Joseph | Leatherman, Nicholas | Lewis, John | Lim, Hugh | Lopp, Jacob | Luckey, John | Lybery, Christopher | Lynn, William | McCartney, Thomas | McCreary, Hugh | McGuire, Edward McKay, Hector | Miller, George | Miller, Jane | Motzinger, Felix | Nail, Margaret | Nesbit, John | Nesbet, Moses | Nesbit, William | Newens, William | Newfang, Martin | Niefong, George | Oen, Ralph | Orton, Joseph | Owen, Henry | Owen, Nancy | Owings, Elijah | Parks, Margaret | Patterson, William | Pearson, Richard | Phelps, Thomas | Poyster, James | Ramsey, Robert | Robey, Nathan | Robison, George | Robley, Martin | Ryley, James | Shelly, Joseph | Skendrick, Margaret | Sloan, Archibald | Sloan, John | Smith, Michael | Smith, Robert | Stewart, William | Thomasson, George | Tomlin, Hugh | Vack, Richard | Van Ellen, John | Vicke, Ralph Waggoner, Joseph | Walsh, Martin | Wasson, Archibald | White, Moses | Wilkerson, Thomas | Wiseman, Isaac | Woods, James | Wright, Richard

Images of Wills and Estates, Book D, 1797 to 1801

Anderson, Richard | Barclay, William | Barr, William | Barrett, Henry | Bartleson, Richard | Bartly, Robert | Beauchamp, John | Bell, Thomas | Berger, Charles | Berry, Martin | Biles, Deborah | Biles, Elizabeth | Biles, Thomas | Binn, Jacob | Black, Adam | Blair, James | Blue, Malcolm | Bostion, Jonas | Bowman, William | Braly, Sarah | Braly, William | Brandon, John | Brandon, Mary | Braner, Barbara | Bridges, Joseph | Brown, James M. Brown, Michael | Brown, William | Brown, William | Brumel, Joab | Bruner, George | Bryan, John | Bryan, Samuel | Bullen, Conrad | Bullen, Philip | Butner, Thomas | Byrn, Charles | Cuningham, Joseph | Giles, Mary | Haden, Joseph | Haden, William | Hall, Elizabeth | Hannah, Joseph | Harbin, Edward | Harper, William | Harris, Zephaniah | Harvey, Elizabeth | Harwood, John | Hawn, Friedrich | Hendron, Arania | Hide, John | Hill, James Sr. | Howard, John | Howard, William | Hudgins, William | Hughes, Sargent | Hughey, Henry | Hughey, Samuel | Hunt, Andrew | Hunter, John | Jinkens, Jesse | Jones, David | Lowe, Simeon | Maxwell, Thomas | McCollum, John | McConaughey, Hugh McCorkel, John | McFuters, Daniel | McMarhan, James | Miller, Wendle | Mitchenor, Luke | Morrison, David | Morrison, John | Moye, Joseph | Moyer, Philip | Mullivan, Lewis | Pufford, Young Ludwig | Reeves, Samuel | Rich, Henry | Richard, Jacob | Riches, Henry | Rider, Adam | Rigerwalt, Peter | Roberts, Samuel | Roberts, Stephen | Robison, Hugh | Robison, Richard | Rodget, William | Rosebrough, James | Ross, James | Rotter, Godfried | Rumbly, Edgar | Rusal, Mary | Rutledge, John | Scudder, Matthias | Sewel, Samuel | Shields, Andrew | Shireman, George | Silver, Levi | Silyman, Zephaniah | Simons, John | Sloan, John | Sluder, Henry | Smart, Thomas |` Smith, Clare | Smith, Cooper | Smith, Daniel | Smith, David | Smith, John | Smith, Joseph | Smith, Nathan | Smith, Richard | Smith, Robert | Smith, William | Snider, John Martin | Sower, Peter | Spark, Adam Sr. | Sparks, Jonas | Stanley, Joseph | Steel, Samuel | Stephens, William | Stewart, Elizabeth | Stigerwalt, John | Stogdik, Thomas | Surry, Peter | Swan, Thomas | Vincent, Peter | Wagoner, Jacob | Warford, Joseph | Wasson, Archibald | Welsby, Abraham | Whitaker, John | Whitaker, William | White, Moses | White, Thomas | Wightman, George | Wilkerson, Thomas | Wilkinson, Samuel | Willcockson, George | Williams, Elias | Wilson, John | Wilson, Robert | Winkler, Adam | Wood, Garret | Wood, James | Wood, Josiah Wood, Robert | Woods, James | Work, Alexander | Wyatt, William | Yarbrough, Edward | Young, Samuel | Zimmerman, Christian

Images of Wills and Estates, Book E, 1800 to 1805

Allison, Thomas | Campbell, Joseph | Carson, John | Catz, Youst | Claver, John | Clement, Henry | Clinard, Philip | Clingerman, Alexander | Coble, Adam | Coggens, John | Coit, Mehitable Cooper, Samuel | Correll, Adam | Cowan, Aaron | Cowan, David | Cowan, George | Cowan, Henry | Cowan, Jean | Cowan, John | Cowan, Mary | Cowan, William | Cranfield, Hezekiah | Crawford, William | Cresson, Nicolas | Cross, Jacob | Crote, Jacob | Cruse, Philip | Cunningham, Joseph | Cupplus, William | Curry, William | Danner, Jacob | Danner, Jacob (1804) | Daniel, Patty | Davenport, Augustin | Davis, Andrew | Davis, Conrad | Davis, Jacob | Davis, Thomas | Davis, William | Deatherage, Braston | Dial, Robert | Dickey, James | Dickey, Mary | Dickey, Thomas | Dobbins, Alexander | Doerner, Paul | Donaldson, Alexander | Douthit, Mary | Douthit, William | Dowell, Peter | Dultrau, Balser | Ferguson, Andrew | Fisher, Ann | Fisher, Frederick | Fisher, Jacob | Fisher, James | Fisher, Martin | Fitzgarett, Elizabeth | Fitzgarett, Jarrett | Foreman, John | Fox, Philip | Frank, William | Fraser, James | Frock, Conrad | Fry, Christian | Fustisly, Y. | Hall, Samuel | Hardman, Mary | Hartman, George | Hartman, Michael | Hartline, George Sr.| Harwood, Zachariah | Hatley, Richard | Hattieson, George | Hays, Andrew | Hays, Joseph | Headrick, Margaret | Helmstetter, John Adam | Hendricks, Margaret | Hendron, John | Hill, Henry | Hitchcock, Isaac | Hitely, Jacob | Horah, Henry | Howard, Margaret | Hughey, Robert | Hull, Moses | Hunt, Daniel | Hunter, John | Leddenton, Thomas | Ledford, William | Lemly, Henry | Lemly, Joseph | Leonard, Henry | Lewis, Daniel | Lewis, Peter | Limly, John | Link, Jacob | Link, John | Little, Jones | Litzleler, F. | Locke, Francis | Locke, Matthew | Long, Frederick | Long, Thomas | Loop, John Sr. | Low, Conrad | Lowasser, John | Lowrance, John | Luckbee, John | Luckey, Samuel | Luckie, Samuel | Lyall, Thomas | Lyon, Elijah | Macay, James | Mahan, Dennis | Maily, Owen | Manzer, Johann Shriltoph Layrle | Marimore, John | Markland, Jonathan | Martin, Asa | Martin, Nancy | May, Abner | McConaughey, Joseph | McConnoughey, Joseph | McKie, Robert, the elder | McNeely, Archibald | McNeely, David | McNeely, John | Meyer, John George | Miller, Moses | Miller, Nicolaus | Mock, Dewalt | Montgomery, Hugh | Moor, Susanna | Moore, John | Moore, Martha | Moore, Nathaniel | Moore, William | Motz, John Jacob | Munroe, Thomas | Myers, Michael | Nunan, Peter M. | Teague, Moses | Terk, Henry | Thompson, Thomas | Thomson, Moses | Tipet, John | Todd, Caleb | Todd, John | Tomlinson, Samuel | Trees, Henry | Trott, Henry | Trott, James | Troutman, Peter | Walker, John | Warner, William | Weekon, Frederick Wensel, Henry | Wenzel, Henry | West, Jinkins | Whitaker, William | Willis, Thomas | Wilson, Elizabeth | Winkler, Lewis Wiseman, William | Womack, Thomas | Wood, Garret | Worvill, Jacob | Zerker, John

Images of Wills and Estates, Book F, 1802 to 1804

Barkley, Hendry | Barkley, Samuel | Bean, Thomas | Beaty, Shad | Billing, John | Bird, John |Black, Henry | Borland, James | Boss, Philip | Braly, John | Brandon, Christopher | Brown, Abraham | Bullins, John | Carsen, Thomas | Irvin, Andrew | Jackson, Daniel | Job, Thomas | Kerr, John | Klotz, Conrad | Lentz, Bostian | Newnan, Anthony | Pack, William | Parks, John | Paton, John | Payne, Charles Pendry, James | Phifer, Henry | Philip, Elijah | Philips, John | Poston, Benjamin | Riddle, Stephen | Van Poole, Jacob

Deed Records

  • First Deeds of Rowan and Guilford Counties

How Rowan County Smashed Lord Cornwallis

After Cornwallis passed over the Catawba river on February 1, 1781, he stayed behind at Cowans Ford about three hours to bury the dead. Meanwhile, Colonel Tarleton had been dispatched to pursue the patriots retreating in the direction of Torrence Tavern. Early in the morning of that same day Colonel Webster moved with his brigade and artillery to Beatties Ford, about six miles above Cowans Ford. It was there that Colonel Webster proceeded to fire several shots across the river at a small patriot detachment on the banks to clear the way for his crossing. When that worked, Webster and his two British forces pressed forward, however, towards a large body of assembling North Carolina Militia. The Militia was without a commander, and the troops were already discouraged by the death of General Davidson. So, as the despised Colonel Tarleton approached, the patriots poured out its fire, killing seven of the British horsemen and wounding others. Tarleton had just been defeated at Cowpens,

and this victory helped to change the mood of the North Carolinians. When Lord Cornwallis published his general orders on February 1, 1781, he was “highly displeased” that several houses were set on fire that day, and declared it a disgrace to the army. Further, the orders stated that he would punish with the utmost severely any person or persons found guilty of committing such a disgraceful outrage. The order, no doubt, has reference to the burning of the houses of John Brevard, who had ” seven sons at one time in the rebel army,” and of Adam Torrence, a staunch Whig, where the skirmish had taken place. Meanwhile, General Greene was apprised of the successful battle against Tarleton at Cowpens. As Cornwallis proceeded to pursue General Morgan, General Stevens was ordered to march with his Virginia militia (whose term of service was almost expired) by way of Charlotte to take charge of the british prisoners captured by Morgan and conduct them to Charlottesville, Virginia. But General Greene was anxious to confer with Morgan personally and so left his camp on the Pee Dee and started for the Catawba with but one aid and two or three mounted militia. Along the route he was informed of he was being pursued by Lord Cornwallis. Greene reached Sherrills Ford, a few miles before Island Ford and had his interview with Morgan. That night while the British army readied their troops to prepare to pursue Green and Morgan, Greene and Morgan had not waited for the dawn, and crossed the Yadkin river at the Trading Ford, six miles beyond Salisbury while Cornwallis still slept. When Cornwallis awoke on the morning of February 3rd, he prepared to strike a fatal blow on the banks of the Yadkin, but the Americans were beyond his reach particularly because of the copious rains in the mountains which had swollen the Yadkin to a mighty river. But the horses of Morgan had forded the stream at midnight and the infantry passed over in boats at dawn. These vessels were fastened on the eastern shore of the Yadkin, and Cornwallis was obliged to wait for the waters to subside before he could attempt to cross. A corps of American riflemen were on the Western side when the vanguard of the British army approached, but these escaped across the river after a slight skirmish. Nothing was lost but a few wagons belonging to Whig families, who, with their effects, were fleeing with the American army. The surgeon of the American army (Dr. Read), left this record of the cannonading scene:

“At a little distance from the river was a small cabin, in which General Greene had taken up his quarters. At this building the enemy directed their fire, and the balls rebounded from the rocks in the rear of it. But little of the roof was visible to the enemy. The General was preparing his orders for the army, and his dispatches to the Congress. In a short time the balls began to strike the roof, and clapboards were flying in all directions. But the General’s pen never stopped, only when a new visitor arrived, or some officer for orders; and then the answer was given with calmness and precision, and Greene resumed his pen.”

Source: Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical by Author: C. L. Hunter

The original manuscript journal of Lord Cornwallis, now on file in the archives of the Historical Society of the State University at Chapel Hill, discloses, with great accuracy, the movements of the British army through Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Rowan counties. Also, Princeton University has an exact reprint of six rare pamphlets on the Clinton-Cornwallis controversy Virginia Campaign 1781), with very numerous important unpublished manuscript notes by Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., and the omitted and hitherto unpublished portions of the letters in their appendixes added from the original manuscripts ; with a supplement containing extracts from the journals of the House of Lords, a French translation of papers laid before the House, and a catalogue of the additional correspondence of Clinton and Cornwallis, in 1780-81, Compiled, collated, and edited, by Benjamin Franklin Stevens.